@cwart okay I'll take it back what do you think "nice or not"the asking of your opinion but is limited to NICE or NOT and then adding in your/their opinions is your choice Adding your opinion to someone post is everyone's right.but kept it civil. but stating I asked for it directly NO I didn't also yes this post Is for 2018 quarter but but the 2014p 1c is of the same type of DDO that this quarter is. the other posters are saying that this type of DDO is not real as it is not listed on the 3pg's website I proved to them that this type of double die is real and listed on multiple websites. if want to see this quarters DDO you can look it on the links above in the 9th post from top
You do realize those are cents at copper coins and not quarters right? This whole thing started with a 2018 quarter.
Asking if it’s nice or not IS ASKING FOR AN OPINION. As you have seen you will get lots of different answers to that question. Pretty makes it an opinion every time. can you show a link indicating it’s the same kind of doubling on both coins? I’ve looked at all 3 sources tonight and didn’t come across that. Ironically, I’m in the camp of people who agree you have the 2018 variety you say you have. I think most everyone here agrees that it is that variety. Where the discussion comes in is whether it’s true doubling or not. I admit I’m not good enough to make that call (see my first post above), but that is what’s being discussed. Based on the thicker letters in a couple cases I lean towards true doubling, but life has also taught me two things. 1) Listen to those with more experience that you have, they’ve learned A LOT. 2) Don’t believe everything you read on a website.
Lol well @cwart you didn't have to go far in finding out about single squeeze here is the link https://www.cointalk.com/threads/single-squeeze-hubbing.290233 I Did say I'll take it that I asked for a LIMITED OPINION OF NICE OR NOT. a "yes it's nice" or "no it's not" that's the only 2 opinions I was asking for. if I would have left it as "what do you all think?".... And left it open for a free for all opinion/s. this is asking for your full opinion
All coins US are made with the single squeeze hubbing process. old timers don't want to expect that they are still a type of double die as the doubling is still from the die it's self
A lot more has been learned about single squeeze hubbing since that thread if you do the research you'll see what experts say that have visited the mints . Since this thread is talking about a ATB quarter that I happen to own lets show some close-ups and oh yeah class 6 doubling
I'll save you guys the aggravation of finding the article make sure to read both pages https://www.lincolncentforum.com/fo...queeze-hub&s=4238abf7dee70a62bc8712b8bdef306d
You seem rather combative about this. If it floats your boat, that's great. People are looking for anything they can collect out of circulation, which is understandable. I guess I'm too much of a purist. To me a "doubled die" is defined by the process, not whether it's on the die or not. We really need a new term for all the minuscule hubbing chatter varieties being listed that result from the single-squeeze. I suggest Machine Doubled Die obverse or reverse, aka MDDO / MDDR. It's essentially the same as MD on a coin, except it happened on the die. The hobby needs a definition that describes the process, instead of lumping them all together. To answer your question, I think that it's nice that you think it's nice. I guess if I happened to find one in my change, I'd think it was cool, and then spend it.
Rick, Great info! Everyone should also know that embedded in this link is an info link to single-squeeze hubbing from CONECA. They have an article describing concisely all 9 classes of doubled dies. They call single-squeeze doubling “shifted hub doubling” and label it Class 9. All 9 classes are described. I think all our doubled die member aficionados will be surprised but will benefit from the article…imo…Spark @KBBPLL …the CONECA article was linked in July 2019 and has 3 names used for Class 9: “Jolted”, “Roly-poly” and “Hybrid”. Hope this helps.
https://www.error-ref.com/doubled-dies/ has the error-ref definitions of the nine classes. I'm not finding the link to the Coneca article. I suppose we can lump them all under "hub doubling" since they all occur during hubbing, despite the fact that the hubbing process is not the same for class 9 as it is for all the others. Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't consider the latter as "true" doubled dies. The mint switched to single-press partly to eliminate doubled dies, and instead they ended up creating a bazillion of them.
If you go to page 439 and 440 on coppercoins you will see the 2018 cents. Also almost all shows wexler, crawford, coneca, and FS# as Class 9 and unlisted or unknown. I am not trying to be obnoxious on this, There is still much fighting over these types of names that are accurate descriptions of any variation. I have used a lot of time over the years to use this site. They did do a "cleanup" a few years back and this is the output. But everyone can do as they wish as far as I am concerned.
Funny on the 2018 shield cent coneca has only one DDO for this year and it classified as class 6 doubling.
I just went on copper coin site for the 2018 shield centt and they have no idea what they're talking about . Class 9 doubling is center doubling and clearly there is no center doubling whatsoever on the 2018 it's all around the outer devices
Here's a good write up from coneca on the nine classes of double dies https://conecaonline.org/the-9-classes-of-doubled-dies/
Okay folks let's beat up on copper coin site here's the two listed on copper coin site ddo number one matches coneca ddo number one Now here's Coneca site on ddo number one So who's right on classification coneca or coppercoim
I just went through every shield cent found on Coneca site for ddos no such thing as class 9 doubling on one of these cents http://www.varietyvista.com/01e LC Doubled Dies Vol 5/DDO Listings.htm
Thank you all. now this is what this chat forum is about discussion/explaining about this type of double die. And not someone personal opinion/feelings about this type of double die. And yes I know I didn't help but I am also still new to the hobby I don't know all about this type of double die. But did know that it is listed as a double die in 3pgs and In most reference in coin guides that we all use. But ppl posting about what they think of these modern coins is all it is paper clips and nails is not what newer ppl need to hear.they need to be able to learn from you older collectors how this type of classification are/were made.