2015 snow on roof

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by usmc60, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    This is a riddle within itself.
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  3. SuperDave

    SuperDave Free the Cartwheels!

    "Heat" and "pressure" have specific definitions in engineering, and as an engineer you use those words in their appropriate context. You don't say "heat" when you mean "pressure." You know better. "Heat" doesn't mean "pressure."

    Except in numismatics, where you think "heat" also means "pressure" too. I will fight you for the rest of time to prevent you from spreading this BS to the people I am dedicating my life to teaching.
    tomfiggy likes this.
  4. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    OK I've known for a long time that I have dyslexic problems and this voice recognition on windows 10 really S. Look this is only an example there are history books still in some libraries, that states Christopher Columbus discovered America not quite true but there's history books with that in it. And there's history books that state Pluto is a planet, incorrect revised and your right to not believe everything you read. And again have you ever work with this kind of steel? Basically you're saying is it is written so it must be true. And I have work with this metal every working day for over 20 years I think that my experience with this metal over 20 years I think I know a little bit about what this metal faults are and have seen ever kind of metal failure in hard Steel,( have you) again have these NUMISMATICS Professionals, have any hands on experience working with this metal. And if I recall hearsay is not admissible in court of law.
  5. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Maybe because of my dyslexia I didn't quite get your quote, or maybe you did not understand mine, I have work with dime size hard metal rods, in my trade known as pens going up to 6 inches in diameter and 2 feet long, one heavy pieces steel and that's a fact jack.
  6. pennsteve

    pennsteve Well-Known Member

    Six inches in diameter is not dime sized. That's more like bagel sized.
  7. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    Since you were in the military, maybe this will help; in numismatics, calling a die chip a cud would be akin to calling your weapon a gun. How far do you think you could get trying to convince your superior officer that it's time to change that?
  8. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    I'm still wondering how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
    Evan8 likes this.
  9. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Basically hommer the meaning is I've worked with this metal everyday how many members can say that?
  10. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    I am a Structural Engineer. Do you know what I do?
  11. charlie123

    charlie123 Well-Known Member

    Try to make sure buildings you design, stay upright for more than a year?:)
    Evan8 likes this.
  12. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

  13. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Hommer know exactly where you're coming from made that mistake only once in boot, did bins and mothers-f until I was almost dead never made that mistake again, in reality and not having a drill instructor standing on my back, and in the service you just don't say that, because you will not like the consequences. I will be a marine until the day I die, but another way of looking at it is my rifle is a firearm, a gun is a firearm, and yes sir I was a firearm instructor in the marine core, (PMI) primary marksmanship instructor, and as the new instructor on the line, I had the pleasure of getting all of marine core base office personnel, which only qualify with a weapon once a year. Not an easy job to make sure these Marines qualified with their weapon. My point, pull the trigger on that weapon and a round is discharge, example, cud, a piece of metal leaves the die, round heads to its intended target, new blank goes into collar, results for both, round hits its target or does not, Die hits blank 99.8% of the time, round causes puncture marks, coin: metal is compressed into void, Die chip: piece of metal breaks off of Die, metal fills void, I don't know maybe I watched too much Star Trek, it only seems logical same cause and effect four, Cud and Die chip but chip can not be called cud because it is not on the rim of the coin, (not logical).p.s women were not allowed in combat, (revised) point: (change is possible)
  14. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Hey Dave, in this quota I guess you misunderstood me as an engineer at least in my field extreme pressure causes heat the same in Coin printing operations, think about it Dave, that the press is moving an extreme high speed and exerting a lot of pressure you have a combination of both, as a result you have metal fatigue and failure. Or take our governments spy plane the blackbird on the ground that bird leaks like a sieve, but at 80,000 feet that's a lot of pressure then you add going over 1000 miles an hour there your friction thus causing heat causing the mettle of the plane to expand sealing the leaks and Dave that's no BS that's a fact jack.
    And as a teacher you should know pressure causes heat causes mental fatigue.
    Dave put your hands together palm to palm and a little pressure start rubbing and you'll feel the heat buildup between both your palms and if you do it long enough you'll get blisters from the heat buildup and pressure. I do not want to get too high tech with you, I totally agree with you Dave heat does not mean pressure and so I do not upset you pressure and friction equals heat equal some kind of failure,
    And Dave I look back at what I quoted and my quoted was right so what's the BS?
    And Dave if you do a little more investigating about the press machine you will find that they kinda like to try and control the heat of the die to an optimal working conditions so the dies will last as long as possible, and my understanding of the press machine too much speed too much heat slow it down less heat. And Dave I've been teaching people for well over 30 years and understand completely about miss information so you're preaching to the wrong man brother.
  15. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Going back to all these professionals having access two mint employees so there able to write their books. Anyone working for the gov't knows there is information for the public and there's information that the public is not allowed to know because security reasons, I'm sure these employees are told what they can say and what they cannot say thus the information given to these professionals is considered public information, the real pertinent information is considered classified due to security reasons. And even if I could sit down with one of the press operators at a local pub and have a couple pitchers of beer. And as one operator to another it is unlikely that the operator is going to disclose information concerning security but then again he is most likely to say certain information that he did not even given to the numismatic professionals who were interviewing him. In closing the mint only going to give out information that is best for the general public. The only example I could think of even the president of United States does not have access to fort Knox gold suppository, in this case the government's is controlling the information that is given out to the public and numismatic professionals the mint is only one side of the coin the other side of the coin are the professionals who work with this kind of metal outside of the mint and are not told what they can say and what they cannot say, the numismatic professionals take one source of information to say that it is the terminology to live by :)blackalien:NOT)
  16. charlie123

    charlie123 Well-Known Member

    Man, that would have to hurt.:)
    Evan8 and Hommer like this.
  17. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    What can you say about voice recognition on windows 10 it S----and you can say the same for me proofreading but I'm sure you understood what I meant:yack:
  18. charlie123

    charlie123 Well-Known Member

    I did understand.

    On more than one occasion my DI threatened to give me a boot suppository.
  19. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Let me guess you not a marine because if you called a drill instructor a DI all hell would come down on you that's worse than calling your rifle a gun:peeking:
  20. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    tommyc03 hairs one photo I think you'll like I did not posted in the original photos and I know how much you like nicknames this one I call little bird in the corn looks like the little bird flew out of the nest and into the corn Picture 004.jpg
    tommyc03 likes this.
  21. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    Very nice find!
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