I just recieved a bunch of old $20's from the bank and am trying to see fi any these have value more than face Theyre listed by series serial and condition 1950 L55144054A AU 1950B J49269772A F E40861978B F 1950D L18788667D vf G03433491D vf L83725531C vf L18164876D xf 1950E L29686790D F 1963 L01247866* xf 1963A L54835511A vf L88548867A AU G40668655A vf L13545415A vf L87988875A XF H07550469A F L91727569A XF L35443587A F B40453723A xf L69500328A XF L24068587A XF L52872209A vf L32461189A f 1969B F60891687A f 1969C L46836049C unc G33085384C f D03272560B XF L46836048C AU 1981 A07677888C vf 1981 A L76464572B XF 1988 L01483403A unc 1985 L01483404A unc L03771266A UNc Only ones I see are the 85/88 sequential and the 63* star. Any others have a nic premium over face? any rare date block combos? Any help is appreciated
1950 L55144054A AU [EF-$25, ChCU-$70] 1950B J49269772A F [ChCU-$55] E40861978B F [ChCU-$50] 1950D L18788667D vf [ChCU-$65] G03433491D vf [ChCU-$60] L83725531C vf [ChCU-$65] L18164876D xf [ChCU-$65] 1950E L29686790D F [VF-$50, EF-$75, ChCU-$175] 1963 L01247866* xf [VF-$45, EF-$60, ChCU-$175] 1963A L54835511A vf [ChCU-$55] L88548867A AU [ChCU-$55] G40668655A vf [ChCU-$55] L13545415A vf [ChCU-$55] L87988875A XF [ChCU-$55] H07550469A F [ChCU-$55] L91727569A XF [ChCU-$55] L35443587A F [ChCU-$55] B40453723A xf [ChCU-$50] L69500328A XF [ChCU-$55] L24068587A XF [ChCU-$55] L52872209A vf [ChCU-$55] L32461189A f [ChCU-$55] 1969B F60891687A f [VF-$40, EF-$50, ChCU-$200] 1969C L46836049C unc[ChCU-$60] G33085384C f [ChCU-$50] D03272560B XF [ChCU-$65] L46836048C AU [ChCU-$60] 1981 A07677888C vf [ChCU-$60] 1981 A L76464572B XF [$50 in ChCU] 1988 [NO Series 1988 printed -- DID YOU MEAN 1985? or 1988-A?] L01483403A unc [1985: ChCU-$45 & 1988-A: ChCU-$55] 1985 L01483404A unc [ChCU-$45] L03771266A UNc [ChCU-$45] All values above are "guide book" prices and may not reflect actual market prices. All values are listed with the grades assigned in The Official Red Book - A Guide Book of United States Paper Money, 2nd Edition by Friedberg. You may also wish to consult a recent Paper Money Values magazine, which can be found on magazine racks at bigger book sellers like Barnes & Noble or Borders. Also, check completed auction listings on eBay to see what prices may be realized given the grades of your notes.