2 Fat Man Coins

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Linda Shierling, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Linda Shierling

    Linda Shierling You Tarzan...Me Jane

    2 Fat Man Coins. The left is magnetic while the right one is not. The left one WEIGHS 18.45 grams while the right one WEIGHS 22.53. Can you tell me anything about them? 1502591883334919706547.jpg 15025920218851190106333.jpg 15025920440281019907372.jpg 1502592071733739601248.jpg 15025920877281565345927.jpg 1502592117033970793838.jpg
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  3. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    Magnetic is fake, and real one weighs 26.4 g.
    Theodosius and Linda Shierling like this.
  4. Steve66

    Steve66 Coin People

    There are many, many fakes in this series. Most of them are very obvious , but some are well made.

    This is a real 1921 I have.
    IMG_8454.JPG IMG_8458.JPG
    lordmarcovan and Linda Shierling like this.
  5. mrbreeze

    mrbreeze Well-Known Member

    I am interested to see if anyone knows what the name means.
  6. SorenCoins

    SorenCoins Well-Known Member

    Welp, Ill respond to some threads why not. Both look fake, the color of the metal is off, and the non-magnetic doesnt weigh correctly. many old Chinese coins have counterfeits.
    Linda Shierling likes this.
  7. Beefer518

    Beefer518 Well-Known Member

    If you're referring to the L. Giorgi, he was the Italian engraver and designer of the coin. He did many many coins.
    mrbreeze likes this.
  8. Linda Shierling

    Linda Shierling You Tarzan...Me Jane

    this emporer must have been fat?
  9. Beefer518

    Beefer518 Well-Known Member

    I believe both of yours are counterfeit copies. Obviously the magnetic, severely underweight one is. Along with the weight, there doesn't appear to be any real ones that are 8 character versions.

    The other one, with the Giorgi mark, looks like it's a knockoff, as seen here: http://www.icollector.com/1306-Counterfeit-1914-Chinese-Fat-Man-Dollar_i12920080

    Here's a pic of a fake I bought (and was able to return) for $19 -
    IMG_7608 (Custom).JPG IMG_7609 (Custom).JPG
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Those are both fake.
  11. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Here's a fake fat man that sits on my desk.

    China fake fat man.JPG
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