1999p Jeff. Nickel. Is this a doubling error?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Brooke's Bullions, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. Brooke's Bullions

    Brooke's Bullions New Member

    I am not sure if this is machine doubling or a type of die doubling. Can I please have some input onto what this may be??

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  3. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    Late stage die deterioration doubling from a very worn die. But not the good hub doubling you would want to find so no added value.
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  4. Brooke's Bullions

    Brooke's Bullions New Member

    thank you!!
  5. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Welcome to CT Brooke. As tommyc03 said, it is DDD, so NAV, no added value over face of 5¢. Here is a good site to read up on the types of doubling that can occur. Keep learning and looking.;)
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