1999 Georgia State Quarter, rotated die

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Zoey B., Jun 13, 2004.

  1. Zoey B.

    Zoey B. New Member

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of these and if they have any idea as to what the regular asking price would be for one?
    The reason I ask is because I bought one at a Coin show in Fort Worth not to long ago. As far as the degree in rotation it was between 90 and 180 degrees, I'd say half way through if memory serves me correctly. By looking at it I self graded it at about AU, as there were some small nicks here and there but the images on the coin were very clear and crisp. I wish I had a picture to show... But unfortunatly I don't and the coin isn't even with me right now. I've done some reasearch on the net and I've verrified that there are georgia state quarters out there in circulation with this error according to the mint. But I still have no idea as to what the correct asking price should be. I would appreciate any info anyone has on the topic. Thank you.

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  3. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    It really depends on the amount of rotation and condition of the coin. State Quarter errors have brought tremendous amounts of money. Small errors from $15 to monster errors that bring a couple of grand. Most rotations are in the 40 to 90 degree and depending on condition can retail from $20 to $200.
  4. Copper

    Copper New Member

    This link may help.
    http://www.statequarters.com/RotatedDie.asp .
  5. Zoey B.

    Zoey B. New Member

    Thank you very much for your help, I really do appreciate it. I guess seeing as mine was over 90 degrees and that I only paid $35 for it I made at least a decent deal?

    Also, does anyone know how often these errors happen? Or know of a source that I could get info on about rotated dies? Thanks.

  6. laz

    laz New Member

    Funny you should ask,as this was supposedly another "eliminated" error. At one time a set screw was used to hold the dies,which could loosen up and rotate. A relatively common error on older US coinage. Today the dies are not supposed to rotate,but obviously still do. You definately got a bargain on a nice error. ~ Jim
  7. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    I have a 360 degree rotated die. Any idea on value?
  8. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    360 degrees would be what they are supposed to be. If you mean 180 degress, look at the link posted by cooper.
  9. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    Yes, I made a mistake - I meant 720 degree rotation.
  10. laz

    laz New Member

    must be a 'spinner' lmao, actually 360 degrees is a full circle and any more is redundant. 740 degrees would be a double spin returned to proper allignment. Try again? ~ Jim
  11. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    You guys need to get your noses out of your coin albums once in a while.

    I'll alert the police to be on the lookout for your lost senses of humor.

    In the mean time, maybe you can start off slow with some Mr. Bean videos and work your way up to M*A*S*H reruns.

    While you do that, I am going to be busy on eBay listing my rare 1,440 degree rotated die quarter.
  12. laz

    laz New Member

    Who me, lol I'm still laughing! :D ~ Jim
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