1998 Spanish coin

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by coin roll guy, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. coin roll guy

    coin roll guy da breadman

    I have a 1998 5ptas. I am wondering if these coins have any collectable value?:confused:

    Sorry I don't have a scanner or camera.:eek:

    I got this coin from a little gas station here in the county. It is located exactly between two towns and is aptly named Midway. :)
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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Are you certain of the date ? The 2005 Krause does not list one as being struck in '98. They do list several others in the late '90s though. Assuming it is one of those dates - to those who collect Spanish coinage - yes it has collectible value. But only because they like the coins. As for monetary value - even in Unc it is worth less than $1.
  4. coin roll guy

    coin roll guy da breadman

    it definatly says 1998:eek:
  5. satootoko

    satootoko Retired

    We gotta see a clear picture. Surely one of your friends must have a scanner or digital camera. :)
  6. coin roll guy

    coin roll guy da breadman

    I will try to get my cousins this evening
  7. Tbirde

    Tbirde Senior Member

    This dime sized 5 pesetas coin is aluminum bronze and #833 in Krause's Standard Catalog of World Coins. It's worth about .25 at best. Spain now uses the Euro system.
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