1994 D Quarter (die crack?)

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by JoeFromMass, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. JoeFromMass

    JoeFromMass Active Member

    Good morning! I suck at this.

    Down by the '4' in 1994 . Is this PMD or a Die Crack? Apologies I'm new to this.

    Screenshot_20190423-120540.png IMG_20190423_120247.jpg

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  3. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I don't see a crack. Regardless, die cracks are an extremely minor error that does not add to the value.

    JoeFromMass likes this.
  4. JoeFromMass

    JoeFromMass Active Member


    I am aware that die cracks aren't worth a premium. I Appreciate your time.
  5. Fred Weinberg

    Fred Weinberg Well-Known Member

    Not a die crack - it's the surface damage
    that makes it look like it to the OP.

    (not really damaged, just well circulated
    with lots of bag marks and un-original surfaces)
    Kentucky and JoeFromMass like this.
  6. JoeFromMass

    JoeFromMass Active Member

    Appreciate the reply, yea he's certainly been around the block
  7. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Hi, Joe! I realize that you did not ask about value, but we do get dozens of newbies asking just that question. So, I try to take every opportunity to make this fact known, hoping that some of them will read it.

    JoeFromMass likes this.
  8. JoeFromMass

    JoeFromMass Active Member

    Understood , Sir

    I Thank You for taking gander.
  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I see nothing raised so not a die crack. A crack in the Die has metal forced into it so it will be raised on the coin. Yours just looks stained.
    JoeFromMass likes this.
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