1984 Penny- Help Please

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Morris A Acuff, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Found this 1984 Penny the other day and I believe it's in really good shape. It's not a double ear at least not the one with the evident doubling. It does have what appears to be an extension to the earlobe and possibly a small portion behind the ear lobe. Also the button for lack of a better term in front of the ear is double. I just couldn't figure out if there was any doubling on the beard or the bow tie but there is something on his neck that is rectangle shape I'm not sure what that is. Also maybe machine doubling or possibly a worn die? On In God We Trust and the date. If someone has time to look it over and help out some I would appreciate it

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  3. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Your coin is not doubled. What it does have, is a lot of plating blisters.
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