1983 quarter In smashed together

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Lyrics, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Lyrics

    Lyrics Giving this one more chance with lots of hope

    I know the no mint mark is valued but this is a d and the in is smashed up together. Staring at thousands of pennies and cringing. You guys are gonna hate me. Lol

    It is just the off chance that maybe I have a treasure that makes me post these so I don't accidentally throw something into a pocket or away. But just so you all know it takes me hours to find these things and my family members think I'm nuts sitting there for hours looking at these things. They think my grandpa just packaged every coin he came across. Lol. He probably did. But there will be treasure.... I'm sure!

    The first pic is 1965 quarter similar but not quite smashed in and God looks like goo. Only placeD it to show similar quality in PHOTO_20160926_035302.jpg PHOTO_20160926_035351.jpg PHOTO_20160926_035419.jpg
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  3. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    looks like PMD= post mint damage.
  4. Lyrics

    Lyrics Giving this one more chance with lots of hope

    K oh boy how can you tell difference between post and at mint damage?
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