1982 Broadstrike

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by BBBeth, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. BBBeth

    BBBeth Active Member

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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    There are details missing, I would call this one an off center strike.
    An off Center broad strike is a bit different, and will always show full obv and rev details.
    SensibleSal66 and BBBeth like this.
  4. BBBeth

    BBBeth Active Member

    Thank you.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Nice looking Off Center Strike.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  6. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I will call it..
    Uncentered Broadstruck
    BBBeth and SensibleSal66 like this.
  7. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Interesting cause both are struck without a collar.
    BBBeth and SensibleSal66 like this.
  8. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

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