1977 " Pennache" R-8+URS-1 Unique double extremely error 1 Museum

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by themansionshop, Feb 7, 2010.

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  1. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    We have tried to explain what we thought of the coin's possible origin. If you choose not to accept it, then that is up to you. Where the difficulty comes in is why you equate an unique marker of an error to a rarity rating beyond that of the type of error. Who would want to go through a bin of similar Canadian cent flips hoping to find one exact to yours? You would just deny any similarity. Again, in case you are young and inexperienced, take some time and learn the minting process. If you really are the Banker you claimed, I would expect better communication skills to deliver your points. As to being a museum quality coin, you jest ! Have a nice Canadian night.
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  3. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    Wow, what an idiot. Asks for help and then says your a moron. You say you've been an error collector for over 10 years, then why ask your questions here? After 10 years you should know what you have here.
  4. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    You really don't seem to understand do you?

    Folks visit this board because they are interested in coins. All kinds of coins! Error's, varieties, you name it and a lot of these folks have a lot of money tied up in coins because they appreciate them for there true worth and value!

    But your coin? Error (which it more than likely is a flip over double strike) or not, folks just don't seem to really care and if folks on these boards don't care, its a fair bet that you'll not be seeing 200K, 400K or even $1.59 for your coin.

    You say you've been watching for a similar coin and have not seen any others either through roll searching or sales? Maybe nobody else really cares that much to bother? Maybe there are some out there but the owners know their true value and don't go jumping on a public forum, beating their chests bragging about their coin? Maybe, just maybe, this thing is an R-1 but only to you?

    So far, I've only seen one post that might support you as far as an error goes and it does make sense, but I also don't see folks beating down auction house doors to acquire something like this either. I also see similar coins (flip over double struck) that sell for way, way less than what you are claiming and these prices are quoted by "Experts" in the error field.


    OK, OK, ya got yerself a rare one there buddy! Damn! Thats a sweet coin and if I had me $400,000 I'd sure be proud to put that there coin in ma collecshun!

    I'd sure like to have it graded first though! Watcha think?
  5. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Here you go buddy!

    http://coins.ha.com/common/view_item.php?Sale_No=1121&Lot_No=6216&src=pr Sold for $373.75


    BTW, see that second date? WOW! I guess that makes this a 4 x 4444 which trumps a 3 x 777! :yawn:
    SPP Ottawa likes this.
  6. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    You need to give the three legged buffalo routine a rest pal! :eek:

    "god why ar these morons coming to my thread?" - How about because its a public forum?
  7. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    It's ok I think I see one of these in his future....

  8. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

  9. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    If the 1933 $20 Saints were sent to NGC, the finest 1913 Liberty head nickel went to PCGS, then the 'Pennache' (where did this name come from, anyway...I don't have the desire to read through all 'TMS's drivel to find out) should certainly be good enough to be graded. Why did you decide NOT to send it in, 'TMS'???? Because you know better?

    Bring this up on the World Coin forum, see what they think. Honestly, 'TMS', give it up, period. Comparison coins, such as a '2 headed/tailed coin' (read the thread stuck at the top of this forum), or a 3 legged farting buffalo, or any other coins......just insanity. 19Lyds provided a BETTER error for comparison, and yours simply isn't anything great.

    Lastly, your command of the english language leaves alot to be desired... for example, 'you SUNK my battleship', not SINKED. Honestly, it was fun at first, but now you are becomming bothersome. Get it graded, then come back and try to convince us again....but you can't/won't...so please stop it. The forums are here for INTELLIGENT discussion.
  10. Zzyzzyth

    Zzyzzyth Junior Member

    And all this time I thought it was spelled "panache".
  11. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    You keep thinking that... when you try to log in tomorrow... and can't.
  12. dracula370

    dracula370 Mmmmmmm......Bacon

    Gotta admit...this is a fun read...never before have I had so much enjoyment from reading about something practically worthless...Conder nailed it....but that doesn't surprise me, or anyone else for all that matters. Except for the owner of this coin. Hold it dear to yer heart, save it, keep it...but please themansionshop.... leave us alone about it.
  13. ziggy9


    The 44 Wheat is not the exact same coin but it is an example of the exact same error. If you can't see that then you have more problems than the people that you have taken to calling clowns and morons. If we are all morons and clowns then why do you keep coming back?you could resolve this once and for all by getting it certified instead of insisting we accept you rediculous claims.

  14. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    I'll refrain from name-calling, as LostDutchman is right.....I believe we have seen the last of you for not following rules.
  15. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    Just posting so the mods can see the violation of Rule #2:

    2 – Personal attacks are not permitted. All Coin Talk members, young, old and in between, will treat all other members with respect and be civil at all times. You are expected to act as responsible individuals, there will be no name calling or flame wars.

    Looks like you broke rule #2, TMS...bye bye
  16. ziggy9


    Yes, but thats such a common spelling for such an ucommon coin! :} :} :}
  17. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    By the word

    I enjoyed the read~but I think he was hoping to get paid by the word, not content.
  18. ziggy9


    and he was overpaid at that!
  19. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    'TMS' has 68 posts, and they are all in 2 threads...both started by him, touting an error that isn't any big deal. He/she hasn't contributed anything to these forums except for the disruption he/she really is.
  20. Zzyzzyth

    Zzyzzyth Junior Member

    Maybe he's just trying to get credits.
  21. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    And all that fuss but the pictures are still the crappy one's he started with.
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