1977 " Pennache" R-8+URS-1 Unique double extremely error 1 Museum

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by themansionshop, Feb 7, 2010.

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  1. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    The best thing we could do, fellow forumites, is to just let themansionshop think/believe he has a $200,000 coin. There will come a day when he starts to realize these extremely minor errors, or outright damaged coins, are NOT the 'extremely rare, museum pieces'. I certainly hope themansionshop isn't PAYING outrageous sums for these pieces (I am so tempted, but....). The last thing the mods need is another thread where we are given the opportunity to see one of themansionshops 'rare, one of a kind pieces', and themansionshop can't figure out why everyone is saying it's worthless, face value, very little-if any premium. The mods don't need it, and personally, I just can't see going 'round and 'round with themansionshop, insisting the entire forum is wrong, and he's right, again.

    We should all just congratulate him if he's happy with his selection of coins for his collection. He just won't/can't be made to realize that a coin like this is NOT worth $200,000. Sure, they may very well be unique.....it's like snowflakes, no 2 flakes are alike, but they are snowflakes...millions of them....just like his errors. There may very well be no other coin EXACTLY like it, but you can sure bet there are tons that bear the error, on different parts of the coin. So, he may very well have one-of-a-kind coins, but he refuses to see that there are many others with a die chip, just not in the same exact spot. Even Speedy believes his last error, the '64-D Lincoln, was post mint damage.

    themansionshop is going to have to submit his 'errors', before he starts to realize that these errors (the NON damaged, post mint damaged) aren't going to be worth the submission fees. When they come back either slabbed or bagged, he'll argue with PCGS, or NGC, as they'll be wrong too.

    So, for the sake of the mods, lets just all drive past this 'train-wreck' without 'slowing down' to see it. You all KNOW whats going to happen, so.....

    We've all got better things to do than participate an instant replay of Wednesday night. It's already getting there as I write this. So, good luck with your errors...as long as YOU like them, themansionshop, thats all that matters. Though, I do think you'll need to lower that $200,000 price tag...it's just a tad too high...but good luck with the sale!
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  3. abe

    abe LaminatedLincolnCollector

    Holy Mackeral, is that BNB's brother. This is too funny...
  4. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    Big difference between this guy and BNB. At least BNB was into real coins, and had a grip on pricing structures. Look at the 3 legged Buffalo he went round and round with. At least THAT coin IS a legitamite error that was graded by one of the top tier grading companies.

    The more-common-than-dirt 'errors' (if they can be called that) 'themansionshop' is TRYING to get us all to believe is the next 1913 Liberty nickel, is just that....more-common-than-dirt. OR, is damaged to the point of barely being worth face value.

    Some people just don't get it. If 100 out of 100 people, who all have more knowledge than him/her, say a coin is damaged and worthless, he/she thinks all 100 are wrong, and he/she's the only one that knows anything (I'm NOT saying we are Q. David Bowers out here, but we've paid our dues, and have realized we've all made mistakes, and have learned from those mistakes).

    His verbage suggests a serious newbie that only repeats what is heard, and just because he/she has a coin that has a die clash (I can't bear to read "a coin is mis-printed"), it is worth $200,000. The modern junk he has is going to be worth 100's of multiples more than a 3 cent nickel (which is a series FAMOUS for die clashes) 'printed' over 100 years ago? Please! I can only imagine how many $200,000 coins he finds in parking lots, gutters, etc. If he/she'd only LISTEN when he/she ASKS for opinions, and not argue with everyone (that part 'themansionshop' DOES share with BNB), maybe he/she would have a somewhat decent collection, instead of a bunch of more worthless than not coins (the 'guy' he/she is listening to saw 'themansionshop' coming from MILES away). I only hope 'the mansionshop' isn't paying huge money for these alleged 'R-8', 'extremely rare', 'unique', 'comparable to a 3 legged Buffalo' errors (term used VERY loosely). It's quite annoying to have someone TRY to make you believe an orange is really an apple.

    Quoting a line from 'Cool Hand Luke'.......

    'Some people you just cain't reach.'

    I challenge 'themansionshop' to send in the '64-D Lincoln with '4 cuds' to PCGS or NGC, and then, perhaps, 'themansionshop' will see what these 'errors' truly are...post mint damaged, or so common that there isn't any premium associated with it...that they are not worth the price of submitting, let alone the to-and-from postage.

    Send that '4 cud' Lincoln to PCGS and include the extra fee for error grading, and see what comes back. That is the ONLY way 'themansionshop' will be convinced...but 'themansionshop' will just say the graders are wrong too. If he/she is not willing to do that, then at LEAST get another 'guy'. This 'guy' is taking 'themansionshop' for a bigger ride than Bernie Maddoff did to his 'investors'.

    All I can really say at this point is, I hope 'themansionshop' is happy with his/her coins...because he/she will be the ONLY one to be happy with them. However, IF he/she DOES believe these 'coins' are as valuable as he/she thinks they are, then 'themansionshop' should be getting them graded.
  5. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    Look I don;t know if you think that a two tail cent error which is worth over $200k with a simple double print of the observe on both the reverse and the observe is a Unique error but many people think that it is. Let's not forget also that there are about 30 known and graded by a 3rd party. Anyhow , this coin i not damaged in any ways and it's obvious that you have no idea of existence of any error type of this sort in this type that is similar to the " Pennache" . You keep mentioning that it's normal and common to see a missing part on the observe or reverse of a coin and seen them on the reverse side which in fact is absurd. I quote : there are no discoveries of such type of error known to exist in error coins" there are no know type of US or World coins out there found with a missing part on the observe or reverse which is then found printed on the observe or reverse with an overflip that is cause this error is not a die clash, again i will repeat myself on the definition of a double die and that is:
    a die clash Occurs when there is a malfunction in the planchet feeding mechanism and no planchet is fed into the striking chamber allowing the dies to strike each other. The obv. die will leave an impression in the rev. die and vice versa. Coins struck with these dies will exhibit details of both the obv and rev. on each side of the coin
    and for #1 - there are only raised print of the observe of the little missing leaf which is missing on the observe that was printed on the reverse due to an overflip. Nor have you ever seen the full little maple leaf in your own time and probably will nver see this type again and

    #2 - this coin is at $200K and that doesn't meet the reserve price, yes there is a reserve price and it's WAY beyond $200K

    Look , you keep talking about this type of error of being of low degree of error mechanism , cheaper than a broadtruck or a double or triple stuck coin or a double denomination coin but if you actually can count the actual process of the error itself on how complicated this error went to be youwould see that this error at the end is just beautiful to see and splendid! i was already offer $10k and I had some really nice comments about it and I had people asking me to have it authenticated so that people like yourself who keeps going on all negative about it and just put an end to your hate , because all I see from your opinion is that this type of error is cheap and worthless and couldn't possibly compare to a super error like 1884 T$1 PR65 PCGS.</I> One of only 10 specimens known. This is the Clint Hestor "Menjou"-Baldenhofer-Wolfson-French coin, and one of the finer examples known. The obverse and reverse are brilliant white with just a trace of dark toning near the devices visible with a loupe. On the obverse we note a curling lint mark low and left of star three, touching the lower left point and curving up toward the rim above the outer point of that star, in the general shape of a question mark. There are also three tiny nicks near the inside point of the eleventh star. For further plate matching, the reverse has a tiny graze in the field left of the U in UNITED and a minute speck in the field below the E of AMERICA. All in all, this is a beautiful coin which is stark white save for a hint of dark gold as noted along the left wing of the eagle. The fields, devices and surfaces are wonderfully clean for the grade, and this coin has all the appeal one would expect for a Gem Proof were it a common date. Although the 1884 Trade dollar is hardly a common date.
    I mean that for this type of little tiny error the coin fetched over $600K and that is just ridiculous and 10 known to exist and you think that start bid $200K is too much for the " Pennache" ....well than you really got some issues.best of luck with them.</B>
  6. giorgio11

    giorgio11 Senior Numismatist

    Like you said NotSure, some folks you just cain't reach. Guy thinks the 1884 Trade dollar is a "tiny little error." Here's another quote: "Methinks thou dost protest too much."
  7. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    giorgio11...well put!


    You think a Proof Trade dollar is minor, but think a damaged coin is rare? Your POST MINT DAMAGED '64-D is a museum piece, comparable to a 3-legged Buffalo in price/scarcity (oh, wait, you used the term RARE)? I thought I'd seen and heard it all, but wow, this is incredible!

    You claim to have had offers of $10,000 for that coin, which you have a reserve of "WAY past" $200,000? NOONE in their right mind would offer you that kind of money for an ungraded, unauthenticated coin of ANY kind (unless they come from your coin club, obviously run by that 'guy' you keep referring to). Certainly, you MUST know, by now, that anyone that reads your puffery about these so-called errors thinks you are so far out there, you can't find your way home.

    What happens if someone should question it's authenticity? You say 'this guy' says it is, and thats a good enough authenticator?

    When you talk about coins, why do you use terms like 'print' (coins are NOT printed, CURRENCY is printed), or 'tails'? Unless a coin collector is flipping a coin, you won't hear the word 'tails' uttered from a coin collector.

    Why don't you PROVE me wrong, and send one in to get graded? You WON'T. You don't BELIEVE in your 'Pennache', museum, R-8, unique pieces enough to grade them (oh, I forgot, you don't NEED to as 'this guy' says they ARE real). I just PRAY he's SELLING them to you for a premium (though, the '64-D was found in a parking lot, or gutter to have that kind of DAMAGE on it). You WILL learn, soon enough (when your errors, which are not authenticated by a major TPG-you do know what TPG means, don't you?-are worth little more than face), when you wind up putting these in gumball machines (but you'll have to go to Canada to spend the 'Pennache', as US machines won't accept Canadian coins).

    Also, if you have these WONDEROUS, UNIQUE, EARTH SHATTERING quarter million dollar errors, why haven't they been discussed in the numismatic media by now? Surely, if 'this guy' knows they are this unique and valuable, then there MUST be someone else that knows about them. Also, where are they listed? Even REAL coins with mintages of less than 10 have been covered in the numismatic media, are listed in referrences, etc. Why haven't yours made it to ShangriLa? Why haven't we seen them in CoinWorld, NN, The Numismatist, etc??? You would think if they are as rare as you believe they are, TPG's would be clammoring to have them in their plastic.

    You have a reserve "WAY past" $200,000? Don't be too disappointed when it doesn't reach reserve. Do yourself a favor...IF you EVER again find someone unstable or drunk enough that will offer you $10,000 for it, TAKE IT!

    So, I ask again......

    Why don't you prove me wrong and send just ONE to NGC or PCGS, have them holder it and label it for the error you claim it is, then put it in an auction and see how it goes? Call CoinWorld, perhaps they'll do a story on it to enlighten the coin collecting community of this UBER-rare 'Pennache (should be called 'Pistachio', as in nut). I double-dog dare you to do either one of those things to prove your coins are worthy of the pomp and circumstance you surround these MINOR coins in. Are ya confident enough to do it? Well, are ya?????
  8. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Notsure, Relax this afternoon. Maybe enjoy some JAZZ. I recall a person with an 1862 confederate cent who dealer friend told him it was authentic, and he was going to send it to the Smithsonian ( who he intimated also thought it was one of 4 or something like that) and was going to come back and show the forum how wrong it was. That was a while ago and I am still waiting. I have a feeling I will be waiting a longer time on this one.

    The Mansionshop, just so we do try to stay within the forum guidelines, Why not show us some of your other error or normal coins, so we can appreciate something we may have seen before. We do try to welcome all opinions and talk about the coin, but sometimes it is difficult to separate the coin from an attitude, and I know we have approached that. I am sure you are aware of CONECA's forum or Collector's Universe Forums, and might want to join and post there. Anyway, best luck to you, and I would grab the 10K so fast,the ink would still be on the tabletop.

  9. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    desertgem....I tried that...even went as far as to wish him luck with the sale, but he insists on NEEDING to be right. There is no getting through to him, so, I am basically asking him to 'put up'...simple as that. Naturally, I do not expect any of the options to materialize.

    What good are specialty forums, if you constantly ignore what members, with obviously more experience, try to give you, in the way of advice? Why bother asking at all??

    But you are right...I'll simply giggle and laugh from a distance at this guys claims for the rest of the day.
  10. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

  11. NotSure

    NotSure I'm sure I'm NotSure

    Rockdude...boy is your sig line appropriate for this thread!
  12. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Sorry, I don;t waste my time promoting or defending what appears to be a common die clash coin which nobody really cares about.

    However, you are more than welcome to pay $200,000 for any coin I have in my collection. They are all unique (to me at least).

    Say, here's one I have which truely is a unique, one of a kind and many REAL Professional experts have concurred):

  13. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Nah! ANACS is the way to go since PCGS and NGC don't mess with this type of stuff!

    But.........."themansionshop" will then claim they sent back the wrong coin and stole his! I've heard that one before! :rolleyes:
  14. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion


    How about this cool IKE Die Clash??


    Thats IKE's Nose there next to the Liberty Bell!


    Part of the Obverse on the Reverse and part of the Reverse on the Obverse!

    Oh, I'm sorry, part of the Back on the Front and part of the Front on the Back!
  15. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    Notsure, Relax this afternoon. Maybe enjoy some JAZZ. I recall a person with an 1862 confederate cent who dealer friend told him it was authentic, and he was going to send it to the Smithsonian ( who he intimated also thought it was one of 4 or something like that) and was going to come back and show the forum how wrong it was. That was a while ago and I am still waiting. I have a feeling I will be waiting a longer time on this one.

    The Mansionshop, just so we do try to stay within the forum guidelines, Why not show us some of your other error or normal coins, so we can appreciate something we may have seen before. We do try to welcome all opinions and talk about the coin, but sometimes it is difficult to separate the coin from an attitude, and I know we have approached that. I am sure you are aware of CONECA's forum or Collector's Universe Forums, and might want to join and post there. Anyway, best luck to you, and I would grab the 10K so fast,the ink would still be on the tabletop.


    you wouldn't grab 10K cause if you knew what you had than you would be amazed as I was when I found it. 1st off , how to price an error coin?
    1-well it all depends on what you got
    2- how strong is the error or how complex is the error
    3- where is the error located on the coin
    4- how much brain info or calculation or travel will this error mechanism bring you? such as was the error double or tripple stiked on course "imagine the press going at work and doing this to the coin" or was there a clash die "imagine the press mechanism in your head" ...I quote: you see there are collectors out there who are looking specifically for mind process or calculation and combination or combos if you like, hence the harder the error ...the better". You see what I have a a very complex error, not only did the error happened exactly where the big maple leaf had a leaf hidding the little leag in the back and that was either mis printed or laminated and it now reveals the little maple leaf almost perfectly but there also was an overflip on the mint process which cause some of the observe part being the leaf that is missing on the oberve and the #7 from the date that was printed on the reverse, so basically what your'e looking at is a missing part on the observe such as an example of the 3 legged buffalo but the missing part isn;t just anything but the leaf from the big maple leaf and with that the little maple leaf is very noticable but also you see the missing leaf ( or leg from the buffalo as an example ) that was printed on the reverse which all together this coin is complete but in the wrong side( that being the leaf part) but also you have a # 7 from the 1977 date on the observe which is also printed on the reverse for a total of 3 x 7 = 7 7 7 and the leaf didn't just end up anywhere on the reverse but nicely curved in the Queen's hair and any relative mind thinking about the notation of " the queen's hair" we all know the " devil's hair" so in this case it's a leaf in the hair but may be taken for a feather . Anyhow what I was trying to explain here was that the error isn't just any other simple type of error if you understand? 1- this error is in fact and URS -1 or 1 known to exist in this type of error and 2- this error will be authenticated very soon to shut most of your big mouths and that goes especially to MR not sure and at last 3- the error will be going for exactly what the Pennache is worth and nothing more nor less. thank you
  16. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    Sorry, I don;t waste my time promoting or defending what appears to be a common die clash coin which nobody really cares about.

    However, you are more than welcome to pay $200,000 for any coin I have in my collection. They are all unique (to me at least).

    Say, here's one I have which truely is a unique, one of a kind and many REAL Professional experts have concurred):

    I don;t seem to see anything similar sorry but is there anything on the observe that should be there and isn't there except on the reverse with that being an overflip in the minting process?
  17. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    1st off , how to price an error coin?
    1-well it all depends on what you got
    2- how strong is the error or how complex is the error
    3- where is the error located on the coin
    4- how much brain info or calculation or travel will this error mechanism bring you? such as was the error double or tripple stiked on course "imagine the press going at work and doing this to the coin" or was there a clash die "imagine the press mechanism in your head" ...I quote: you see there are collectors out there who are looking specifically for mind process or calculation and combination or combos if you like, hence the harder the error ...the better". You see what I have a a very complex error, not only did the error happened exactly where the big maple leaf had a leaf hidding the little leag in the back and that was either mis printed or laminated and it now reveals the little maple leaf almost perfectly but there also was an overflip on the mint process which cause some of the observe part being the leaf that is missing on the oberve and the #7 from the date that was printed on the reverse, so basically what your'e looking at is a missing part on the observe such as an example of the 3 legged buffalo but the missing part isn;t just anything but the leaf from the big maple leaf and with that the little maple leaf is very noticable but also you see the missing leaf ( or leg from the buffalo as an example ) that was printed on the reverse which all together this coin is complete but in the wrong side( that being the leaf part) but also you have a # 7 from the 1977 date on the observe which is also printed on the reverse for a total of 3 x 7 = 7 7 7 and the leaf didn't just end up anywhere on the reverse but nicely curved in the Queen's hair and any relative mind thinking about the notation of " the queen's hair" we all know the " devil's hair" so in this case it's a leaf in the hair but may be taken for a feather . Anyhow what I was trying to explain here was that the error isn't just any other simple type of error if you understand? 1- this error is in fact and URS -1 or 1 known to exist in this type of error and 2- this error will be authenticated very soon to shut most of your big mouths and that goes especially to MR not sure and at last 3- the error will be going for exactly what the Pennache is worth and nothing more nor less. thank you
  18. ziggy9


    So who are you sending it to? I can't wait to see this in a slab!
  19. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    Probably NGC or PCGS, I haven't decided yet though but I will bring it on this post and post a picture with it in the slab that I promiss you.:hammer:
  20. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Seriously, if you wish to save expense, send a photo by email and ask the service if they will grade and attribute it as you wish. Both PCGS and NGC only grade coins on certain lists, check their webpages.

  21. themansionshop

    themansionshop Junior Member

    It's obvious that you Americans have absolutely or don;t give a dam about a Unique Canadian error coin cause to you it's worth sh////t! but if I were to post an American coin of such error such as a 3 legged buffalo with a sun revealing in the back of the missing 4ht leg and that 4th leg striked on the observe with an overflip mint error showing that 4th leg inderneath the Indian head that would then look like a walking Indian ..you would then worship it with all mighty and it would probably be worth over the GREATNESS! +++++:):):):) .....are there any Canadians out there? ....
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