1977 New penny strike error

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Willysilver, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Willysilver

    Willysilver HEADS UP Supporter

    foundr this while ago sitting on top of a Coinstar Walmart like on a little shelf that that's there and I've been thinking about it thinking about it and I just looked at it now I think it's a planchet error I don't know let me know tu

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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Looks like post-mint damage to me.
    Inspector43 and Willysilver like this.
  4. GH#75

    GH#75 Trying to get 8 hours of sleep in 4. . .

    Take one of these, cut the penny and voila.

    Its definitely PMD
    Kevin Mader likes this.
  5. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  6. Willysilver

    Willysilver HEADS UP Supporter

    thank you all but it's only on one side of the coin I m a factual guy any type of cutters would have had to cut the rim and the reverse but ok I'll hold on to it it look cool
  7. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    If you CRH, you will undoubtedly come across coins that have seen a diagonal cutter. Folks are curious or bored...and with a tool and a coin. Damage. Not all damage is undesirable. You will also find counterstamped coinage out there and there is a market for it. For early counterstamped coins, there are books on the subject.

    This coin however is damaged. Some tool or harder object was used to create the damage.
  8. Bill in Burl

    Bill in Burl Collector

    That's what a small chisel is for.
    Kevin Mader likes this.
  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Definitely damaged.
  10. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    If you do any hedge/rosebush trimming there are things called "anvil pruning shears" which have one side a flat (sometimes plastic flat surface) and then the other half is the cutters.
    In Cub Scouts I recall many trying to cut pennies in half and use anvil shears as the flat/soft half holds the coin in place better than two cutters. We'd also make christmas trees and other things out of coins (by drilling a hole in the middle for a toothpick shaft glued in).
    Kevin Mader likes this.
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