1964 dimes

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Lester Maddox, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox Member

    Why is it so hard to find 1964 dimes? I have been trying to complete a coin folder for the birth year of my wife (I hope she is not reading this). I cannot find any 1964 dimes. as far as mint production (2,286,877,180) it was actually one of the larger number of coins produced. I have literally 100 1964 nickels--I have stopped collecting them since I have so many. Am I just extremely unlucky? Just curious (good thing I am not a cat).
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  3. bhh

    bhh Well-Known Member

    If you are talking about finding them in circulation then its because 1964 dimes (as well as quarters and halves) are 90% silver, thus their bullion value is over $1 even with todays incredibly low silver prices. It is indeed rare to find them in circulation...although it does happen. You might try checking the coinstars near you...I've found a few 1964 dimes there. (Coinstar rejects silver coins)
    paddyman98 likes this.
  4. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    Are you saying hard to find in change or roll searching?
    Millions were melted down in the early 80's and 5 years ago when silver scrap was much higher than today.
    They are plentiful in LCS scrap buckets for less than $2.00.
    bhh likes this.
  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Did you search these?


  6. ErolGarip

    ErolGarip Active Member

    1964 is my birth year too. How old is she? I'm 153. I've not found a dime girl yet. At this age, I'm still alone, however, I have hope now, I finally have the penny in my pocket.
  7. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    The oldest living person in history? ;)
    bhh likes this.
  8. NickJersey

    NickJersey Well-Known Member

    I find them occasionally but they are easy to spot checking the edge so they are getting hard to find. Since 64 was the last year for silver it seems like 1965 is the most common dime (or quarter) that I find. The picture shows the edge of several current dimes with 2 silver dimes. As you can see they are pretty easy to spot. I work with money every day I will usually only find a silver dime every week or two. IMG_20170920_163800179.jpg
    bhh likes this.
  9. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Considering I remember when silver was under $2 an oz it seems strange to have $17 an oz described as incredibly low.
    tommyc03 and bhh like this.
  10. LA_Geezer

    LA_Geezer Well-Known Member

    As it would happen, I have just returned home from Walmart with the very first coin I have ever retrieved from a Coinstar reject bin... a 1964 (P) Dime in excellent condition!
    bhh and tommyc03 like this.
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