1964 D Jefferson Nickel Cud or Die Deterioration?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by CatW, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. CatW

    CatW Member

    Starts at the bottom of the "I" covers the bottom of the "C" and "A" then continues up the rim. I believe it to be a cud because it is covering letters and coming off of the rim and the rim doesn't seem to be pushed in from damage, but it also has chipping which makes me think Deterioration???

    20170302_204453.jpg 20170302_204429.jpg 20170302_204419.jpg
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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    If you can follow the crack till it raises and goes over the rim, then disappears into edge, then you have a good chance for a cud.
  4. CatW

    CatW Member

    Thank you PandG
  5. Stoneman2

    Stoneman2 New Member

    On this coin you can still see a muted rim. A cud showes no trace of the rim because it has broken away from the die. What you see apears to be the result of a folded fin.
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