1960 D Lincoln Penny toned.

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by More5FrancCoins, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. More5FrancCoins

    More5FrancCoins New Member

    I've had this copper penny for quite some time. Though today I had problems getting proper lighting with my camera to show how toned it is. Don't really know weather or not I have a penny worth 3 cents or more than 8 dollars. Advice? Heres some photos.

    penny 1960 D bright tone .png penny 1960 D bright tone reverse.png penny 1960 D dimmer tone .png penny 1960 D dimmer tone reverse.png
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  3. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    There is a small date and a large date. This link should show you both. Cannot tell in the photos. Some of the pros might. I’m no pro lol. You may want to try get closer pics. Welcome!
  4. More5FrancCoins

    More5FrancCoins New Member

    So the photos I posted aren't close enough? When I tried, even with direct sunlight it looked very blurry.
  5. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Are you using a cell? If so you can magnify it.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  6. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Hello @More5FrancCoins. Have you tried to take Pics from above the coin? Use a jar and prop your cell phone on it with the coin below.
    There is a diagram, but I don't have it currently. Maybe someone else does?
    PamR and Dynoking like this.
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    From what I can see it’s worth about two cents.
    Inspector43, PamR and Kentucky like this.
  8. Dynoking

    Dynoking Well-Known Member

    Post your famous cell phone photo set up. Best ever!
    PamR likes this.
  9. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Cents need to be in MS condition to get much of a premium, unless they are a variety.
    Your cent shows plenty of circulation. It would probably grade around AU53 to 55.
    So somewhere around 2 to 5 cents value.
    PamR likes this.
  10. More5FrancCoins

    More5FrancCoins New Member

    For those pictures? No, a actual digital Canon EOS Rebel I think. .When I can, I can try using my cellphone. I tried taking a few pics of a 1942 wheat penny but it's a mixed bag. When I have a chance I will see what I can do with this 1960 penny and others in the next few days, not only a weird toned 1992 zinc penny.
  11. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    If you have the Cannon EOS… set it on close-up… flower mode. :)
  12. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Unless it’s an AM meaning the M is more or less connected to the A which is called a CAM or you have a die crack, zincs are not too too popular lol. They are pretty but a cent!
  13. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    green18 likes this.
  14. buddy16cat

    buddy16cat Well-Known Member

    This coin is only worth 2 to 5 cents if someone is willing to pay that. Since this is commonly found in change I doubt someone would pay even that. I have a tin full of copper pennies and thinking about dumping them in the coin machine. Too many people on this site looking to get rich off their change which most is only worth face value.
    Collecting Nut and Inspector43 like this.
  15. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Isn’t this the truth!
  16. Abramthegreat

    Abramthegreat Well-Known Member

    This one? upload_2023-1-4_14-56-22.png
    Dynoking likes this.
  17. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Pam, Pam, Pam. Zincoln's didn't start until 1982. The OP coins is 1960,
    Abramthegreat likes this.
  18. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    PamR likes this.
  19. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    No he said on his thread that he has a shiny 1992… lol!
  20. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    That was one of his replies about the camera.
    Kentucky and Pickin and Grinin like this.
  21. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

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