1960 d cent: Mechanical doubling vs doubled die

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Laura Burns, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. Laura Burns

    Laura Burns New Member

    I’m super new to this and still trying to differentiate between MD and DD. When going through a roll of 1960 D cents I found this one. As you can see the doubling is on both sides of the sent but more pronounced on the reverse. Any insights would be helpful to me. Thanks in advance.

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  3. paddyman98

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    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
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  4. Laura Burns

    Laura Burns New Member

    Thanks for the info. So I am thinking it’s just mechanical. I did read somewhere that you can have both DD and MD in the same coin. In that case I am definitely In trouble trying to decide.
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    There are other types of doubling as well as the 2 you mentioned. Read up and learn and welcome to CT.
    Laura Burns likes this.
  6. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    I'm having a bit of a problem with my eyes today, however, DDD die deterioration is the culprit, IMO.
    Laura Burns likes this.
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Are you saying that you're seeing DDD? Lol
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  8. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    :oops: My bad. DDD, die deterioration doubling. :rolleyes::)
    Laura Burns and Collecting Nut like this.
  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I was beginning to wonder? Lol
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  10. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Welcome to CT Laura. It all appears to me MD in my opinion. Keep on trucking' as they say.
    Laura Burns likes this.
  11. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    Know worys mate, gut mi gud glassers on nawa.
    Laura Burns and Collecting Nut like this.
  12. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    More like you've had one too many. Lol
    Laura Burns likes this.
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