1957 Nickel

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by rww67, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. rww67

    rww67 Member

    I have had this Nickel since I was a kid.My parents used to own a small restaurant and I would go through the change and for some reason I kept mostly Nickels.I was curious as to the grade and value.Thanks.

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  3. tpsadler

    tpsadler Numismatist

    Looks like you need to soak this coin in some Acetone for a few hours. it has some serious PVC that will decay into that coin eventually if not already. Do not attempt to use anything but distilled water to rinse it off when taking out of PVC carefully blot dry with soft Q-Tip, do not rub. Then retake the photos and attempt to get a little more light without casting shadows.. . Nice looking from what I can see. :) (Good Acetone will melt plastic, use covered glass container very flammable)
    TJ1952 and rww67 like this.
  4. rww67

    rww67 Member

    Sound advice thanks.I'm recharging my good light right now and getting the acetone.
  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Make sure you use pure acetone. Do not use nail polish remover!

    Nice looking coin....possibly 6FS. Where is Paul aka @Lehigh96 ?

    rww67 likes this.
  6. kSigSteve

    kSigSteve Active Member

    It really looks like a 6FS nickel to me. Not sure for grade. I guess 63?
    rww67 likes this.
  7. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I think I goofed. Weren't proofs struck in Philly in '57?

    phankins11 and rww67 like this.
  8. stldanceartist

    stldanceartist Minister of Silly Walks

    Yes, it appears to be a proof.
  9. rww67

    rww67 Member

    I think they were.
  10. tpsadler

    tpsadler Numismatist

    I think you guys are correct that is probably a proof ... Amended remark do not use anything to dry coin .. carefully air dry coin .. do not use anything except air dry. I am sure there are people more familiar how to clean pvc from a proof than me.. Proofs are real touchy
    rww67 likes this.
  11. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I agree that this coin appears to be a proof. It has quite a few marks, and the haze is unattractive. The acetone should remove that. Once the haze is gone, take another set of pictures and post them to this thread. We'll give you updated guesses. I'm going to guess that, under the haze, it is probably a PF-63 or 64, and it is probably worth a couple of bucks, at most.
    rww67 likes this.
  12. rww67

    rww67 Member

    New pics after pvc removal.

    Attached Files:

    phankins11 likes this.
  13. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Looks like a proof to me.
    rww67 likes this.
  14. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    The coin actually appears much more attractive in these pics. Very nice!
    rww67 likes this.
  15. tpsadler

    tpsadler Numismatist

    Removal the PVC really improved the photos.. Big problem is I think it was the PVC that left the Obv & Rev. pitted :( Unfortunately other than sentimental value there would not be much premium. If that coin could talk it would be thanking you for saving its life :) :)
    rww67 likes this.
  16. rww67

    rww67 Member

    Thanks,I have been collecting for more than 40 years just finding and buying coins,But it wasn't until 2009 when I was almost killed by a drunk driver did I start to delve into the coins and their history,conditions and values. I have numerous unsearched rolls that I have not gotten to yet,virtually none from ebay,all will go to my two children when I pass on.
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