1952 D

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Jimmy sanchez, Aug 3, 2019.


Worth getting GRADED

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  1. Jimmy sanchez

    Jimmy sanchez Active Member

    Hi guys. Can someone educate me on this 1952 D.....D over D penny. And if you had to put a grade on it. What would it be. Is it worth having it graded. Thanks in advance.

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  3. Autoturf

    Autoturf Well-Known Member

    No, I don't belive its a D over D, need better picture to determine if its a repunched mint mark or RPM, so no and no. my opinion, wait for others
  4. Jimmy sanchez

    Jimmy sanchez Active Member

    Okay, thank you. I am just learning in rhis coin collecting world.
    Autoturf likes this.
  5. Jimmy sanchez

    Jimmy sanchez Active Member


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  6. Jimmy sanchez

    Jimmy sanchez Active Member


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  7. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    You will want to check websites like
    http://www.varietyvista.com/02a LC RPMs Vol 1/RPMs 1952D.htm

    for RPMs - Repunched Mint Marks which is what a D over D would be.

    you MM has to be *exact*, as in *exact* comparison to the known RPMs. It's not a "it's kinda similar" or "looks similar" .. for coins it has to be *exact* as the indicators are very minute and overlooked by the inexperienced. You have to be extremely critical in your comparison and remove all biases (everyone wants their coins to have some "error" so most people are bias and some blindingly so).

    And remember, just because you have a 1952 D does not mean you have an RPM 1952 D D/D. there were millions made from a couple thousand working dies. And a singular D/D were from *one* particular working die.

    If you look at your 1952 D

    and the one yours is even close to is 014 and 018. But we would need a better image of the date/mint mark for further evaluation. The harsh, undiffused, lighting from the left doesn't help either (neither do my sleepy eyes).

    probably more like 018, which looks like this:

    But, remember the mm will be a certain location to the date. MMs back then here individually applied at the specific mint. Thus vary in location .. so that helps as another indicator.

    But you "D" does not look like the above, even though it is "close" but close is only good in horseshoes, not coin collecting.
    and the location does not match.
    it does look like a sloppily applied MM though
    and a die chip on the 2
    Jimmy sanchez likes this.
  8. Jimmy sanchez

    Jimmy sanchez Active Member

    Wow. Thank you for that brief tutorial. You have given me great info.
  9. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    It looks like it has an indirect transfer (ghost) on the reverse.
  10. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    If you ever do find a RPM Variety you would send it not just for a grade but also to have it Attributed. It would cost a little more to do that. So just keep it in a nice 2x2 flip and keep it safe. No need to send neat but minor issues away for all that.
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