1937 Buffalo Nickel . . . P

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by pamckees, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. pamckees

    pamckees Junior Member

    I have a 1937 Buffalo Nickel with a 'P' under the date. There is one like it posted on Ebay. Thought mint marks were on the reverse . . . ? ? ? Is there a reason why the 'P' is there or did someone just make a bunch of counter punch marks nickels one day.

    Will try to attach a link to the Ebay post . . . hope this works.


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  3. bdunnse

    bdunnse Who dat?

    It's not a P, it's the designer's initial "F".
  4. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    That's an F for Fraser, the designer.
    spirityoda and jello like this.
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