1914 Buffalo Nickel Possible Error

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Jujuice, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. Jujuice

    Jujuice New Member

    49978D59-D8D6-46B4-9B12-B39750D0D631.jpeg 49B73354-3B52-4565-99A0-52B7A9C6765D.jpeg B2BB9B26-9397-4FF3-88CC-4A09805A25EC.jpeg I was looking at my coins today and noticed this N and other letters stamped between the neck and chin of the Indian. Anyone have any ideas on what this is? Would it be worth anything? I can not find any information online
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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Incused and backwards. Alteration.
    Not a mint error.
    How it occurred? Only the person who created it would know that.
  4. Jujuice

    Jujuice New Member

    Now that’s a let down! Lol Thank you though for the help!
    Inspector43 and paddyman98 like this.
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  6. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

  7. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

  8. Steven Shaw

    Steven Shaw Well-Known Member

    Very common die clash on Buffs
  9. Dave Waterstraat

    Dave Waterstraat Well-Known Member

    Let's see the reverse.
    Heavymetal likes this.
  10. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    Die clash, nice find.
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