1908 Bank Check, anyone decipher the signature?

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by Spartcom5, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Spartcom5

    Spartcom5 Member

    Picked this up today for a dollar, interesting check, not the best condition. A lot of it is just the sleeve that is dirty. However, it has some water staining on the bottom. Does this mean mold though? Anyhow, can any tell who signed it? Thanks!
    20180225_182312_resized.jpg 20180225_182326_resized.jpg 20180225_182410_resized.jpg
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  3. Spartcom5

    Spartcom5 Member

    Has something to do with the U.S. Infantry! Honestly, it's not just the Signature I can't decipher any help deciphering the whole thing would be great.
    Dean 295 likes this.
  4. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    US Infantry and he was a Captain. Can't make out much more. Not sure it's a check like your thinking. Maybe some sort of military script. No account numbers and the payable is 3 months after a date. I don't know of any bank that does that, not even in 1908.

    Very nice and I wouldn't mind having that in my personal collection of paper. I hope you keep it for yourself.
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Could also be a promissory note. Very interesting.
  6. Spartcom5

    Spartcom5 Member

    Thanks! Yeah, I have no idea what it is really, I thought it was a check because the paid stamp on it but I don't know. Looking for a nice archival sleeve for it, it's a tad bigger than a large size note so finding something may be hard. Also dusted and brushed it off just in case of any mold spores, which is a big thing I worry about with paper currency. Although this one has some water staining I don't believe it ever got moldy.
  7. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Reverse seems to be F. Halstead at top and H. J. Coop, Esq. in the middle. It was made out to the Hunter Furniture Company promising to pay $25 in three month at 6% mentioning the First National Bank of Oswego, it must be a Promissory note. The stamp shows it was paid on the last possible day and the 25.38 by the top signature and above the boat suggests that 38 cents interest was collected.

    Interesting item. You might want to visit the store:

    I'll bet someone in the Oswego historical group could help with that sig of the Captain just by comparing to soldiers living there in 1908.
  8. Galen59

    Galen59 Gott helfe mir

    There was a Capt.Frank Halstead Company L 22nd U.S. Infantry (below signature)
    They took action in the '06 earthquake, stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco,
    and '07-'08 were putting down the labor strike in Goldfield NV.
    George McClellan likes this.
  9. Galen59

    Galen59 Gott helfe mir

    look at the 2's below the sig. to the 2 in the promissory note date, same, sign, highly accented cpt., can't tell if L ???
  10. Galen59

    Galen59 Gott helfe mir

    And no idea for the furniture,..? They were shipped to AK then down south.?
    eventually became 4th Infantry Div.
  11. Galen59

    Galen59 Gott helfe mir

    I would love to own this, on a number of reasons, ..no one seems to care of it's provenance .. contact me, it's not worth much..
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