1864 $5 bill Florida

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Cazador, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. Cazador

    Cazador Supporter! Supporter

    Hey, hope everyone has had a great day! I’m trying to find a value for this $5 State of Florida Tallahassee FLCR34. There was not much to go off of on line because the 3 examples that i found were in much better condition. from my understanding, these are somewhat scarce. someone please give me a value for this example.
    Thanks in advance. upload_2024-7-9_19-17-31.jpeg upload_2024-7-9_19-17-31.jpeg
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
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  3. Cazador

    Cazador Supporter! Supporter

    I guess no one knows?
    I'm in the dark.
  4. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    I assume this is a confederate note. If genuine you would have to ask experts in that area, perhaps retitle your post "What is the Value of My Confederate Note?"
  5. Cazador

    Cazador Supporter! Supporter

    I figured that it was posted in what's it worth was a good enough description!

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    Try posting in the Paper Money forum?
    eddiespin likes this.
  7. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    I don't collect these bills, but I do have the reference book by Whitman, which was published in 2007. According that reference, it has a low value of $125, but I think this piece is in a lower grade than that price indicates. According to the book 4,200 of these bills were issued. They were printed by Keatinge & Ball from Columbia, SC who also made most of the Confederate Currency in 1863 and '64.
    masterswimmer likes this.
  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    It’s not a Confederate Note. The Confederacy only issued 72 notes from 1861 through 1864. It’s an obsolete note issued by the State of Florida. It’s not on very good condition and I don’t collect these. I do collect CSA Notes. I can’t tead the number on the note but it seems like it’s a four digit number and that makes it not scarce.
    Wish I could be of better help.
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