1853-O 25c

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by GeorgeM, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I recently picked up a low grade type set. Was wondering if this might be the 1853 (with rays) quarter from New Orleans. And, if so, is this a Poor 2, AG 3, or even a G 4?

    20241113_094033.jpg 20241113_094027.jpg 20241113_094041.jpg 20241113_094047.jpg 20241113_094101.jpg 20241113_094109.jpg
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  3. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    May grade an FR-2, but the lowball collector will see it as a P-1, or an opportunity to pounce on treasure.

    While it is too far gone to be a G-4, it is a Seated Liberty, which alone can spark a lot of interest. :)
  4. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I was thinking this might appeal to the lowball market.

    Am I imagining the O mintmark, or does anyone else see what I see?
  5. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    I am not seeing a mintmark.
  6. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I overlayed another quarter of the same date and mint mark in slightly better shape and adjusted the transparency so that both mint marks can be seen. What I take to be the O seems to be where it should be:

    1853-o quarter overlay.jpg

    Attached Files:

  7. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I overlayed another quarter of the same date and mint mark in slightly better shape and adjusted the transparency so that both mint marks can be seen. What I take to be the O seems to be where it should be:

    View attachment 1646511
  8. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I overlayed another quarter of the same date and mint mark in slightly better shape and adjusted the transparency so that both mint marks can be seen. What I take to be the O seems to be where it should be:

    View attachment 1646511
  9. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    I apologize; somehow I triple posted my previous comment.
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