1830 Bust Half Help needed possible variety

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by ppratt3, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    I have this 1830 half that i notice has a O mint mark between the states and of. I can’t seem to find anything on this. I looked on google and my Breen book. Anyone have a clue. This is not post mint damage. It is 100 percent mint. Wish it was in better condition. The other half is a 1830 as well but small date small letters.

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  3. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    Could we see a picture of the "O" coin's obverse?
  4. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    Sorry yes not why i didn’t load it

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    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing someone started drilling a hole and quit. The New Orleans mint didn't exist for another 8 years.
    Evan Saltis and SensibleSal66 like this.
  6. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    Exactly but if you could see the center of the what every it is it’s flat it does not go into the coin. It’s the same surface depth of the rest of the fields. I’ll see if i can get a shot.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  7. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Your "dime our Time". Still going to be PMD. That's my prediction of the consensus of the group here. ;)
  8. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    Here is the best i can do one with eye loupe the other just phone.

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  9. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    I have to agree with you for the most part but i can’t see the center of the O or what ever deeper than the other fields. I’m going to send i pic to the coin wheel and see what he says. Most likely he will agree with you. I wish you could see if it hand.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  10. KBBPLL

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    You can see that the metal is rough all the way around and a fin of it folded over. It wouldn't take much depth to raise a thin circle of metal and there could be some gunk packed in there. I have to consider that no O mint mark was ever that tiny and the mint wouldn't have an O punch hanging around almost a decade before the mint even opened.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  11. ppratt3

    ppratt3 Senior Member

    Definitely not disagreeing but could they have possibly used a O from a different die?
  12. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

    There is no variety featuring an “O” as your coin shows. It just simply isn’t possible.

    The New Orleans branch mint did not exist, and no coinage of the period would have had an O of that size.

    it’s damaged - nothing else to say about this. Probably an incomplete hole. Even the shape of the alleged “O” is too irregular and elongated.

    If you disagree with the consensus of the people here, I would send it in for grading and authentication as a 1830-O half dollar. They won’t have a PCGS number for it, as it just doesn’t exist.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  13. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

    No - because in that case there would be many other coins with the same “O”.

    Yours is one of a kind… but only because it is damaged.
    Dima and SensibleSal66 like this.
  14. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    At first glance I thought that this could be the "O maker". That's why I wanted to see the obverse, but I cannot see any indication on that side.
  15. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Knowing the alignment of the coin might help in knowing where the punch could be on the obverse. I see the coin as PMD, without experimenting I don't think that anyone could say for sure what happened. I just know that this didn't happen at the mint.
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