1803 Large Cents

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Marshall, May 31, 2010.

  1. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

    I think I'm ready to put together a photo package of my collection. Since I have my 1803s out. This is my attempt using the new axial photography and photoscape knowledge that so many of you have so graciously passed on to us. It will probably be only 1 or 2 a day. These aren't the prettiest, but my - the character.

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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I think ya need to work on the white balance, or something, because the color is way off.
  4. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

    Thanks for the comment. I know there are many improvements possible and I let the white balance go right past me.

    I just noticed I'm still causing discoloration because of my reflection as well.
  5. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    what does the 6/4 in the left bottom mean?
  6. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

    It's my shorthand for Detail Grade/Net grade, primarily for the obverse. In this case I think the obverse grades better than the reverse which I would put at 3. I was torn between 3 and 4 for the obverse for net grade. Of course, EAC would grade it 2 which I respect.

    I've thought about a Detail/Net for each side.
  7. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

    After just about giving up photography for life, I REDUCED lighting and came up with something I think is better. What do you think? By the way, I gave up on axial lighting until I can get a copy stand.

  8. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  9. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  10. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  11. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  12. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  13. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  14. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  15. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    I think those photos turned out really well.
  16. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  17. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  18. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

  19. wiggam007

    wiggam007 Cut-Rate Parasite

    Some nice photos there, and I think the problem with the first one seems to be the axial lighting.

    One question I had: are you diffusing the light any? I ask this because I can see where you have placed the lights based on the white spots at the rims.
  20. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    Nice Marshall. I think the pictures got better as you went along. I know on a couple of my middle date coins I had to play with the saturation to get them to look like they really do. I have yet to figure out why some come out the way they do - I also know I have harder problems with the NGC coins versus the PCGS coins. Anyway - nice batch of 1803's.
  21. Marshall

    Marshall Junior Member

    In some instances, my coins got better as I went along. I removed the paper towel from the lamps when I was trying to get more light with the axial lighting so I just put them back on the lights. We'll see how is works starting with S-260.

    I love the axial lighting when it's done right, but I'm not getting it close. I found that I don't have the hang of using photoscape for the temperature and saturation so I'm using Windows Live Photo Gallery to adjust the color and then using photoscape for the rest.

    I notice I'm not very consistent with my grading either. I like EAC grading, but then I try to go to market grading and sometimes go too far. I'm sure the variation is obvious.

    Thanks to all for the comments.
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