18 old coppers, mostly Italian States

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by The Eidolon, Aug 14, 2024.

  1. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Made it to the coin shop for the first time in a couple months.
    I saw the owner had an envelope of older coppers which were unsorted and unidentified.
    He didn't look like he wanted to take the time to ID the remaining ones so I made
    an offer and got the whole lot for $15 US. Most are in pretty rough condition, but
    in that age range I'm happy with anything I can get cheaply.

    I've tried to ID one so far: Venice, Soldo, Francesco Erizzo 1631-46

    21 mm, 1.28 g. Copper or Billon
    The "12" at the bottom of the obverse shows it's 12 Bagattini = 1 Soldo
    It's hard to make out, but I believe the letters "ERIZ" on in the 3:00 position on the OB indicate it was issued under Doge Francisco Erizzo between 1631-46
    I think the Rev has Christ holding the Gospel in his left hand, with text around the perimeter reading "DEFEN NOSTA".
    As usual, I can't find an exact match on Numista, and my 1600s Krause guide doesn't have listings for many of the Italian states minors. I suspect varieties exist anyway.
    I look forward to seeing if I can figure out some of the rest.
    Venice Soldo Francesco Erizzo 1631-46.jpg

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  3. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member Supporter

    I agree, almost every coin from that time, especially minors, have numerous varieties. I know Krause made a specialized German catalogue, but did they do that with Italy?
    The Eidolon likes this.
  4. Hus.thaler

    Hus.thaler Well-Known Member

    Man, this is another collecting rabbit hole that is hard to resist. Every time I see Italian states minors, the pull is strong.
    The Eidolon likes this.
  5. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    I'm not aware of an Italian States book, but it would be handy if one existed.
    I just wish the general 1600s book didn't leave out so many minors entirely!

    Here's my second ID attempt: Copper, 22 mm, 2.41 g
    Venice 1/2 Soldo ND 1619 (There is a 1680 version which looks very similar.)
    Ob: Madonna with Child "R C L A 6"
    "Regina Caeli, Laetare, Alleluia" = Queen of Heaven, Rejoice, Alleluia!
    6 Bagattini = 1/2 Soldo
    Rev: St. Mark holding Gospel "SAN MARC VEN" (St. Mark, Venice)
    Venice 1:2 Soldo ND 1619 copy.jpg
  6. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    I think I have another one IDed:
    Sicily 1714-17 Grano Victor Amadeus II
    Date is unreadable, but I can read "DD AC" on the obverse to find the mint master.
    Should put it under Victor Amadeus II somewhere between 1714 and 1717.
    Sicily 1714-17 Grano Victor Amadeus II.jpg
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  7. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Vatican City, 1 Quattrino, Pope Alessandro VIII, 1690
    Ob: Lion with Banner (you'd have to take my word for it, I guess.)
    Rev: "BONO NIA DOCET 1690"
    Vatican City 1 Quattrino Pope Alessandro VIII 1690.jpg
    Joshua Lemons likes this.
  8. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Several more of these appear to be Venetian 1 Soldo coppers.
    I won't post all of them to avoid redundancy.
    If I can make out a couple letters of the rim I can usually make an educated guess as to which Doge they were issued under.
    For this one I think I see "IOAN CO"... which is likely Giovanni Cornero II, 1709-12 Venice 1 Soldo Giovanni Corner II 1709-12.jpg
  9. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    Nice, paisan!
    The Eidolon likes this.
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Group lots of old 17th-18th century coppers? Less than a buck a coin? What’s not to like there?

    Good cheap (and educational) fun. Can’t beat that!
  11. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    I think this one is from the short reign of Francesco Contarini.
    He only lived 14 months after his election to Doge.
    Design is very similar to the other Venetian 1 Soldo types from this lot.
    Ob: [SMV] FRANC CON 12
    Venice 1 Soldo Francesco Contarini 1623-24
    Venice 1 Soldo Francesco Contarini 1623-24.jpg
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  12. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    This one's a different type from the others in the lot.
    I think it's a Venice, Quattrino, Mario Grimani, 1604-05

    Mine's a little smaller than the example in Numista (19 vs 21 mm), but I don't think the sizes of early Italian coppers were very consistent. I wondered if it might be a 2 Bagattini instead, but the design on that seems quite different. I suspect there may have been copper and billon versions of some of these older Italian states minors with varying weights. There should be a "4" underneath the feet of the Madonna on the obverse, but it's partly off the edge of the coin and hard to be sure.
    Venice Quattrino Mario Grimani 1604-05.jpg
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  13. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Cool find, if the ID is what it seems!

    I like coins from short reigns.

    And that’s a lot of history for 67 cents!
    serafino and The Eidolon like this.
  14. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the encouragement! I decided to take a crack of some of the remaining.
    I believe this one is Republic of Lucca, 1 Quattrino, 1557 (Billon)
    Ob: Script L surrounded by last 2 digits of date (57) "OTTO IMPERATOR"
    Rev: Portrait of St. Vultus "VVLTVS SANCTUS"
    lordmarcovan likes this.
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