1776EM Russia C5K

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Collecting Nut, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Graded by NGC as genuine. This is a thick coin so I excluded a photo of the side of the slab to show it. It’s also heavy. I don’t collect foreign coins but this one just called out my name so I bought it.
    BE0AF0EB-261A-40A9-877E-0DABF6B8DBDF.jpeg 8994D4C5-53A6-4830-8118-4C3A75BE1857.jpeg D903D158-364B-4D9C-9121-0E0452EFAD00.jpeg 0352823D-C306-4256-852C-73294257E001.jpeg
    KSorbo, Joshua Lemons, Neal and 3 others like this.
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  3. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    4 hours and no foreign collectors?
  4. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    These are fun. I need to stock up on some more for my giveaway "free store".

    They're so chunky and impressive- and affordable. And the edge design and designs in general are cool. They've got ... character.

    Used to be you could get 'em for $10-20 each in pick bins, but now they seem to be more than that. I will have to keep an eye out for some when I go to the FUN show in January. I wonder what they'd cost in a pick bin nowadays.

    Here's a big fat ten-kopeck Russian copper from Siberia, under Catherine the Great. A bit scarcer than the usual Russian 5K "whopper coppers".

    This coin is in a standard sized NGC slab- but barely fits, and the plastic bulges a bit in the middle.

    Since I do not do coins in oversized holders (due to limitations with the boxes in my safe deposit lockbox), this is the largest coin in my collection.


    eddiespin, KSorbo, Neal and 3 others like this.
  5. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    That coin looks familiar. :)
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  6. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    I really like these coins. Up until recently I had the top graded set at NGC but someone else topped me this year. Guess I have some work to do to catch up. My set is more complete, they are just choosing to chase higher grades.

    lordmarcovan and Collecting Nut like this.
  7. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Wow. There are some really handsome coins in there. Even the “details” coins I saw had superior eye appeal!

    Definitely a cut above the typical pick bin pieces I’m more accustomed to seeing.
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