10 Years of Window Sill Toning: Cleaned 1880 Seated Quarter

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Eduard, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Knowingly bought as ''bright with 'wispy' hairlines''.

    This is what it looks like after 10-12 years of on-and-off window-sill natural sunlight toning.

    Color is close, if anything more vivid in-hand.

    I think it looks actually acceptable (for a cleaned coin). Specially the obverse.


    1880 seated quarter OBV - 1.jpg 1880 seated quarter REV - 1.jpg
    coin_nut, mas4492, Paddy54 and 5 others like this.
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  3. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    Very nice but 10 years? A fellow could go to see his Maker in that time period.
    Stevearino, Tater and C-B-D like this.
  4. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Thanks, insider.
    I was young(er) when this went on the sill:).
    mikenoodle likes this.
  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I think the toning is blah! You would have been better off leaving it in a Kraft envelope for 10 years.

  6. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Where have you been hiding?

  7. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Behinde the curtain perhasp watching it tone lol
    Yes the old kraft evvelopes famous for toning.
  8. CircCam

    CircCam Victory

    I like it a lot. Maybe I'll put a cleaned coin in a brown paper bag inside my wife's insta-pot pressure cooker and see if I can turn ten years into ten minutes. :facepalm::p
    juris klavins and Eduard like this.
  9. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    You may have a foolproof way to tone a coin nicely in an afternoon, but I'm afraid a fellow could still go to see his Maker in that time period. (Rather sour) food for thought...
    TypeCoin971793 and Eduard like this.
  10. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Yeah, but isn't that 'illegal'?
  11. Gilbert

    Gilbert Part time collector Supporter

    Toning appears splotchy.
  12. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    There is nothing illegal about it at all. A half century or more ago, it was very common for collectors to use Kraft envelopes to store their coins. Many of those coins toned very nicely and were very acceptable NT specimens from the grading services.

    Cheech9712 and Paddy54 like this.
  13. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Storing it in a paper envelope is a common storage method. The windowsill just adds heat and humidity - sometimes that can accelerate toning which closely resembles accepted storage practices, and sometimes it can create abominations.

    This is where you'll start to get into trouble.... greatly accelerated toning, even from normal storage methods, will usually produce poor results.
    Eduard likes this.
  14. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Thanks, physics-fan3.14.
    I don't remember what this one really looked like before the window-sill treatment.
    But, it was bright and the hairlines visible under strong light.
    IMO, It does look a little better now, except the reverse toned unevenly, unfortunately.

    I got some Taco Bell napkins a few years ago during a trip the U.S.
    Tried them but did not get any results after 3-4 years storage. I guess they got rid of the residual sulphur in them?
  15. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    In the 60's the small 2x2 kraft envelopes did have sulphur in them....you never knew thought what was going to come out of them long term storage.
    Sometimes a gem....sometimes not.
    They were cheap...cheaper than flips or 2x2's .
    I even recall in believe it or not in department stores usully near the mens dept. They would have a display case with a wheeled tray with coins for sale.
    Most were in the kraft evnvelops with notations written on them,
    You would ask the clerk to show you the coin.
    Truly a different time..... :)
    dlhill132, Eduard and Gilbert like this.
  16. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    I like the coin. Well done!
    Eduard likes this.
  17. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Haha! That's taking it back a bit. 95% of posters here probably have no idea what you're talking about! ;)
  18. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    yes, that coin department was in Gimbels, I worked in two of them, on Long Island, NY
    Paddy54 and Stevearino like this.
  19. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Yes, those must have been truly exciting times for coin collectors:) A little early for my time, but close enough to at least get a good feel for what it must have been like. In Europe back for example, then truly scarce US coins could be found for excellent prices.
    Btw, can those Kraft envelopes still be obtained?
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
  20. Ike Skywalker

    Ike Skywalker Well-Known Member

    I like the coin, Eduard. I too am curious if those Kraft envelopes can still be found. Perhaps a box of NOS?
    Eduard likes this.
  21. Ike Skywalker

    Ike Skywalker Well-Known Member

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