Rich Uhrich Rare U.S. Coins Inc.

Discussion in 'Directory' started by dirbot, Sep 7, 2014.

Rich Uhrich Rare U.S. Coins Inc.
  1. Rich Uhrich Rare U.S. Coins Inc.
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  3. CoinG1901

    CoinG1901 Member

    Where exactly is this location? I would like to know for when I pass through this part of Lebanon.
  4. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Great folks to deal with. It's my understanding that they keep everything locked up in bank vaults. You will need to contact them by phone or email.
  5. CoinG1901

    CoinG1901 Member

    That is great information, but does not tell me where they are.
  6. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Not in Pennsylvania at all any more. Florida.
  7. CoinG1901

    CoinG1901 Member

    Thank you for answering my question about their location.
  8. Lisamarie122021

    Lisamarie122021 New Member

    Hi I'm new on here I really need help to find out about a quarter I found I've never seen one like this and I don't know if it's worth anything or what kind of quarter it is if you could please get back to me thank you
  9. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated

    Welcome to CoinTalk. This is an old thread that won't get much attention. You should take a couple pictures of your coin (front and back) and start a new thread in the "Coin Chat" forum. Someone will know exactly what you've got.
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