Odd Duck Anonymous Byz Follis

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by rrdenarius, Dec 20, 2021.

  1. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    I picked up an interesting coin and a few weights from the last Zeus auction. (I thought of adding this @panzerman 's recent Zeus post... Zeus Numismatics????? | Coin Talk).
    odd duck follis zeus 12.122021.jpg
    The seller's description:
    Byzantine Coins Ae, Anonymous, Bust of Jesus, 7th - 13th Centuries
    The picture and description do not match. Are there any anon follis with writing on both sides?
    The left pic above looks like a coin sold by CNG...
    biz fol cng 12.12.2021.jpg
    I do not know if the seller's pic does not match the coin or there is a coin with writing on both sides. I will update this when (if) the coin arrives.

    My reason for posting now is an email I received from Zeus today: "We came a cross problem with paypal payments, we are not able to collect the payments." Money went to them (per PP) from my account on 12/12 and came back today 12/20. Did anyone else have this problem?
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  3. arnoldoe

    arnoldoe Well-Known Member

    It’s an overstrike, with a romanus iii overstruck on an earlier coin, but the obverse portrait didn’t get struck well..
  4. catadc

    catadc Well-Known Member

    On the left there is an upside down reverse on an anonymous follis class A and on the right side there is the reverse of an anonymous follis class B. Most probably an overstrike class B over class A, where the obverse was poorly struck. Interesting.
    rrdenarius likes this.
  5. robinjojo

    robinjojo Well-Known Member

    Your Paypal account will have a record of the payment to Zeus. You should be okay at your end. It sounds as if they have an issue with PP, but that's their problem. You should be okay.:)
  6. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    I have to pay them to get the coin. PayPal has refunded my money. They say a link to pay by cc should be available soon.
  7. GinoLR

    GinoLR Well-Known Member

    pantocrator overstrike.jpg
    The coin matches the description: do you see the bust of Jesus on your coin, now?
    rrdenarius and TIF like this.
  8. ancient coin hunter

    ancient coin hunter 3rd Century Usurper

    Jesus is overstruck on the left coin.
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