Last Activity:
Jan 22, 2025
Mar 6, 2009
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Dec 22, 1954 (Age: 70)
The Berkshires in Mass.

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Senior Member, Male, 70, from The Berkshires in Mass.

Ready To Rumble Dec 3, 2016

tommyc03 was last seen:
Jan 22, 2025
    1. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    2. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    3. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
    4. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    5. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    6. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
    7. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    8. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    9. Cliff Smallwood
      Cliff Smallwood
      Hello Tommy03 i see you liked my post about my repeater note...thanks

      I'm looking to get a price on this note if you know of anybody who can help me or if you can give me a price I would really appreciate it and I have a lot more notes
    10. abuckmaster147
      Hey Tommyc03 You mentioned about posting stamps , But I do not see anywhere to post? SO!!
      Shoots it would not let me post a pic here . Any idea's?
      1. tommyc03
        The "General Discussion" area/thread would be your best bet. it's pretty much all inclusive for everything. ( Except Politics, which are not allowed anywhere here ) As far as here in this section, I've never tried, you might ask the moderator/s if it's possible. Pretty sure it's possible in the message section "Start A Conversation".
        Mar 5, 2017
    11. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    12. tommyc03
      Ready To Rumble
      1. Profit man likes this.
    13. Noah Finney
      Noah Finney
      Hey I like Coins, Stamps, And hunting to
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
    14. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday tommyc03,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
    15. cwtokenman
      Hi Tommy, I saw your post about buying the transit tokens at a yard sale. If you collect transits and have any extras, I am looking for other collectors interested in trading. Good find!
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
      2. tommyc03
        I don't really collect them but it was a bargain. If you need one for your collection P.M. me your address and I'll mail one out.
        Apr 26, 2015
    16. jallengomez

      I just pulled a few Lincoln Wheat 1957D DDO003s out of a roll. If you've never seen the (somewhat) unusual doubling on LIBERTY that took place with the 1957Ds I'd be happy to send you one. Just PM me your address.
      1. tommyc03 likes this.
      2. tommyc03
        I'm not sure about the pm process yet but here is my email. I'd love to have one of these and thanks so very much. and I'll send my address.
        Feb 25, 2015
      3. jallengomez

        I was just getting ready to write to you and ask if you received the coins I sent when I checked my mail today and discovered the ones you sent to me. I really appreciate those: especially the "floating Abe." I had never seen that one before. Thank you again.
        Mar 23, 2015
    17. ace71499
      Try doing this, click tommyc03 in the top right corner and then click privacy in the drop down box. I'm privacy scroll all the way to the bottom where it says people who may..., then go to the subcategory edit contact details. Then make sure the first box is checked, and the drop down menu under it says members only
    18. ace71499
      Maybe there is some setting you did when starting up that made it not possible to start private conversations with you. If you go in the top right hand corner of screen the where it says "inbox" and then in the drop down box you can click "start a new conversation" then type in my name as the participant and maybe then i can pm you back
    19. ace71499
      Tommy, i dont know why but it wont let me start a pm with you, is the 10 cestimes still available? (sorry to bother you on your wall)
      1. tommyc03
        Yes it is. I am not familiar with all the in's and outs of the site either.
        Feb 11, 2015
    20. Bryant M
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  • About

    Dec 22, 1954 (Age: 70)
    The Berkshires in Mass.
    Collector of 52 years

    Coins,stamps,treasure hunting, gardening , error coins, comics, old bottles, farming artifacts.
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