Last Activity:
Jan 21, 2010
Feb 12, 2009
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temmy24k was last seen:
Jan 21, 2010
    1. Mumbapuri
      Hi Temmy :) thx for dropping by... btw nice pics :)
    2. mgChevelle
      ya, I think i will grow out of it. Now days I only get it when I am sick.
    3. dctjr80
      Yes, you put a link to your items from your business page, and you put a business page link to your intro to coin talk ;-)
    4. raider34
      College I'am actually in class right now. What about you.
    5. temmy24k
      hey! Hillary Clinton has just arrived to Indonesia!
    6. mgChevelle
      Hi Temmy
      yes, I am sick. Its just a common cold though. And my asthma has been bad also. The nasty weather is probably what caused it.
      Hows the weather over there?
    7. temmy24k
    8. silverstruck1
      ya nascar is a circle track where ther is like 40 drivers and cars and the go around like 500 times . where as drag racing is only 2 cars side by side for 1 quarter of a mile. have you ever been to america?
    9. silverstruck1
      ok a drag race is a quarter mile straght line race between two cars the first one to cross the finish line win,s there is all kinds of classes of cars. 10.0 outlaw ,pro stock,super stock,pro mod, funny car's then top fuel rail car's . the class I run in is called super stock i don't know if you know anything about horse power so here's an example most of the cars you see on the street have between 120 to 300 horse power the car I race is a ford mustang ( I have two that I race) but the mustang I race in super stock has about 1,600 hp. in a quarter of a mile it goes about 7.60 at about 230miles per hour (mph) so that's a little lesson in drag racing. O and the car's are so loud you have to wear ear plugs if you get anywhere near them. You can feel the ground shake when one passes by you.
    10. Speedy
      Check your settings in your User CP (found near the top of the page) on your email notifications. You may have it set to not send you any. If those are set correctly then I would say it is your ISP blocking the emails. You can call or email them and ask them to un-blacklist cointalk.org, and cointalk.com.

      As to what am I a Moderator over--pretty much the whole forum.
    11. Speedy
      Yes I am a Moderator. Do you have a question...or were you just wondering?

    12. silverstruck1
      No my us coins is a friend of mine but one of my articels is on his page. and bro you in your life at one point have to go to a american drag race. do you know what drag racing is? if not let me know i will explain it to you it is a huge part of my life.
    13. temmy24k
      hello guys..this is a coin forum..why dont you show your coins? haha
    14. silverstruck1
      hi temmy so off topic but have you ever rode in a american car such as a chevy ford or anything like that? cars are cheap here and american's also have the fastist cars in the world....
    15. mgChevelle
      ya I've noticed a big price drop on pretty much all electronics around here. Things are getting pretty hectic in this country right now, everythings changing
    16. temmy24k
      got to take a bath..have a great weekends and Happy Valentine's day LOL..i'm still a single =(
    17. raider34
      Hah No there's a ton of Mikes on this forum but that's mgChevelle. I wish I had a car collection, but can barely afford my coin collection.
    18. raider34
      Hello Temmy I just checked out your site it looks great.
    19. cherylkubucko
      I will have to look at them. Hoped you like my collection. have more to add yet. Cheryl
    20. cherylkubucko
      Hello, I checked out you website on gold, Looks good, Keep it up. Cheryl
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