I really don't see what you didn't see by his pictures. A scan will bring out every last imperfection (were you thinking a scan would somehow...
It's a bit of a stretch to suggest that one run their own server (especially wren they don't have any idea of how to do that, knowledge of web...
Godaddy isn't the first place I'd look to. It's cheap, support is sub-par, reported speeds are often slow. I've not had much personal experience...
Someone goes in and deepens or retraces the lines a bit to add detail that has been lost over the years, or cleans up the edge lines, or surfaces,...
Heh, as a classroom teacher, I've seen that poster too many times, but I think it's more suited for a classroom wall. I can't imagine that one...
Well, I wouldn't have bought it because I have enough crap around the house as is :D -but I don't even know what that means... "COIN COLLECTORS...
Here's a thought to get around the whole morality issue (if there's one). What is the school going to do with the coins? Probably bring them to...
That was the first thing that came to me as well (not to take anything away from what the OP said, or his dealer). It may have been done eons...
Amazing how short a long, long time can be ;) :D
99.9999% of the time, this thread answers that question... http://www.cointalk.org/showthread.php?t=1561
"At it again" makes it seem as if they stopped and recently started doing something again. They've always been "at it" and as I said in another...
I'm not sure where the gaps are? Maybe macro photography of shiney objects (just guessing, but really I have no idea). Regarding, "I am...
And that's exactly what I'm talking about, and exactly why most people can't get good results. There's just a bit more to it than, "A digital...
This really sums up the issue. I've seen GDJMSP's scanned images and they are OK (better than most other scanned images), but a camera would do...
I read this in the L.A. Times as well. Almost makes one want to start demo'ing some of the walls in the house to see if anything is there.
Separate names with a comma.