Hi folks, I am delighted to share with you my recent acquisition: a splendid siliqua/argentiolus of Magnus Maximus, minted in Mediolanum during...
The man who would become known to us as Emperor Jovian was born in A.D. 331 in Roman Ilyria. His father, Varronianus, served in the army and...
Valentinian I Argenteus, struck A.D. 364-367. 2.96 grams [ATTACH]
Flavius Victor, son of Magnus Maximus and his wife (Helena?), was born before his father's claim to the purple in A.D. 383. Magnus Maximus, who...
@Bing Try reloading the page now. Nice coins btw.
Exactly! Inflation was simply a symptom of the growing list of problems the Roman economy was accruing in the 3rd century. The Cyprian Plague in...
Early Life The man who would be known to us as Emperor Theodosius I was born in A.D. 347 in Cauca, Gallecia Hispania. Theodosius's father, also...
Thank you! Adrianople was a disaster but only involved units from the Eastern Roman Army, as Gratian and the Western Roman units arrived too...
@tibor Thank you! It has been nearly seven years since I began collecting siliquae, and I am happy with my collection thus far.
[ATTACH] Here are most of my siliqua, @tibor .
Background: In 387, Magnus Maximus used a barbarian invasion of Raetia to move troops past the armies of Valentinian II into northern Italy....
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