Last Activity:
Jan 11, 2017
Feb 6, 2010
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May 11, 1900 (Age: 124)
Southern California (Los Angeles)
ASNDT Certified Level II in RT-MT-PA-UT-ET-PT

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82nd Airborne Division, Male, 124, from Southern California (Los Angeles)

KennyMac was last seen:
Jan 11, 2017
    1. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday KennyMac,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    2. sunflower
      Are you still on CT? How is your sister?
    3. sunflower
      Are you still collecting? Hope you are feeling better.
    4. coinswithsmiles
      omg big fish
      i was taught 2 fish by my grandfather and the bigest iv caught was a 17 Lb cat fish
      that fish would probably eat me b4 i could catch it
    5. KennyMac
      KennyMac laptop died, so I've had to use my phone to access the interwebs.....(I can hardly wait until the "Gummint" surgically implants micro chips into our brains....then it'll be "all internet, all the time!" thats just an ugly rumour, right?).
      anyway, all conspiracy theory's aside, I find that the screen on my cell phone just doesn't scratch my internet itch....mainly because now I only see a small portion of what I'm used to seeing.
      If it's the picture of me kneeling and holding the tail of the fish up, that fish weighed 250 pounds....
      It took me 25 minutes to land that fish, and I got the whole fight on video.
      No harness, no chair, no help.....It's called "West Coast Stand Up Fishing".
      On a side note, I've gained alot of experience from fighting big tuna, it has allowed me to teach others so they can learn, and in turn, have them pass that knowledge on to other anglers.
      Sorry for rambling, but at least i run in concentric circles!
    6. sunflower
      Happy New Year. BTW, How much did that fish weight? (the one on the left side of this message).

      Hope everyone is well. I wonder if that fish has eaten coins in its day?
    7. sunflower
      Where have you been? Love to hear about any new acquisitions. BTW, How's the fishing going? Hope your back is doing better.
    8. Strikeluster
      Hello Kenny,
      Just checking in to see how your feeling these days brother. im going to the Divison Assoc. picnic tomorrow and was thinking about how you were doing. I like that new avatar. very sharp,
    9. Strikeluster
      Sorry Then, Its just me. There are a million nut jobs saying they were SF. Sometimes I listen to them talking, and say nothing, but some of them start bad mouthing the Army and talking Shxt and I do say something.
      My Fault,
    10. Strikeluster
      The last sentence in you last message to me said something to the effect of lets get on the phone and lie to each other. I didnt understand. I was in 10th Grp. from 82-85. My team was ODA-313 my Mos was 11S, although I spent some time with a SADAM team. I hope you werent infering the worst were you,

    11. Strikeluster
      I just posted a new thread about Veterans, and I mention thet you and me served at Fort Bragg in the 82nd. Please drop in and leave a post for yourself.

      All The Way!

    12. 10gary22
      I loved you suggestion about the screwdriver in the throat. LOL At one time in my life I might have jumped in my truck, quit my job, grabbed a piece and drove 3 days and showed up at the gals house to get my lousy 15 bucks back. Thank Gawd I am past those days. LOL People just do not realize the kind os guys out there. I am never going to lie about anything, period. My word is all I have and I cherish it more than my life. I have met men who would slit their own throats before telling a lie and I hope to be worthy of their companionship in the afterlife.

      Crazy ? Not since I got the right meds. LOL

      How is the back ? Man, I sure hope you can get some disability or something. Wish you some good luck,
    13. 10gary22
      Sorry about taking so long to add you. Finally figured out how to do it. LOL I just needed to take time to get it done.

      How you doin' ? Goinb home soon, I hope !
    14. 10gary22
      How's the back ? Bustin' out soon ?
    15. 10gary22
      Or just tell you that the problem has been solved and is not your concern.
    16. sunflower
      FYI: My source for the rolls of MS60 Ben Franklin halves is Kathleen Kolvey at IRI (1-800-328-1860). Sorry I don't have her extn on hand.
    17. 10gary22
      Hanging out with me might get you in trouble. I have a tendency to **** people off. LOL
    18. Allison
      Weighing your ex wife is the funniest thing i've heard today. But it's still early. Thanks for the reply - also like the photo of the guitar playing, wife weighing, coin collecting fisherman. Funny funny funny.
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  • About

    May 11, 1900 (Age: 124)
    Southern California (Los Angeles)
    ASNDT Certified Level II in RT-MT-PA-UT-ET-PT
    Born and raised in the Los Angeles area...

    United States Army Veteran
    3rd Platoon
    82nd Airborne Division
    "Death From Above"

    Following an unfortunate accident where I broke my back in 3 places, I am now medically retired.
    But on a bright note: I can walk again, so i really can't complain all that much....(besides, no one wants to hear anyone complain....right?)

    I can still play guitar, (acoustic and electric), and the neighbors haven't called the cops (yet).
    Which tells me one of two things...
    1. The neighbors are deaf...
    2. I can still play pretty decent.
    (I'm leaning towards the neighbors being deaf).


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    "To me, coin collecting is like working on the bomb squad...eventually you'll find something very interesting, and it will probably cost you an arm and a leg".