Inspector43's Recent Activity

  1. Inspector43 replied to the thread Coin Photography - Two Questions.

    There are many, many threads on coin photography here on CT. You will get much more information in a shorter period if you search them.

    Jul 26, 2024 at 10:55 AM
  2. Inspector43 liked dwhiz's post in the thread Show & Tell Friday Post.

    I found this in my change in 2006 and sent it off to be graded[ATTACH]

    2006 Cud 25c A1-horz.jpg Jul 26, 2024 at 10:51 AM
  3. Inspector43 liked rhendricks2020's post in the thread Show & Tell Friday Post.

    Felt like sharing on this Friday. Enjoy and have a good weekend everyone!

    1866-3CentNickel-B.jpg 1866-3CentNickel-F.jpg 1896Morgan-B.jpg 1896Morgan-F.jpg 1905-IndianHead-B.jpg 1905-IndianHead-F.jpg 1909-BarberQuarter-B.jpg 1909-BarberQuarter-F.jpg 1914D-BarberDime-B.jpg 1914D-BarberDime-F.jpg Jul 26, 2024 at 10:51 AM