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May 11, 2010
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Mount Prospect, IL

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World coin collector, from Mount Prospect, IL

Hiddendragon was last seen:
Viewing thread Fake 1949 New Zealand 1 crown, Jul 26, 2024 at 9:41 PM
    1. GSDykes
      Just out of curiosity, you did not just sell your Aluminum Loin coin from the Congo??
      Gary in Washington?
      1. sannechino likes this.
      2. Hiddendragon
        No, I still have two of them. Can't bring myself to part with them.
        Jan 26, 2020
        sannechino and GSDykes like this.
    2. jlblonde
      I still have yet to purchase the Conga Lion...most allusive...had it not been for preservationists...I would be out and about in the jungle with my .454 magnum rifle silently pursuing that most splendid of creatorous coinage...
      1. Hiddendragon
        It would be a shame to shoot such a majestic creature though.
        Nov 24, 2019
    3. jlblonde
      Good afternoon my friend...just stopping by to say, "Hello!" Hope all is well with you and your family. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
      1. Hiddendragon
        Thanks. Doing well and I hope you are too. Happy Thanksgiving!
        Nov 24, 2019
        jlblonde likes this.
    4. Alok Verma
      Alok Verma
      Thanks for replying brother.
    5. Alok Verma
      Alok Verma
      Do you like Indian coins> I am in Jaipur (India) and wish to exchange coins from other other countries. Pl. reply at my e-mail: discover_newindia@ymail.com Thanks.
      1. Hiddendragon
        I do have a lot of Indian coins but I'm not looking to add anymore right now. Thanks though.
        Aug 27, 2017
    6. jlblonde
      Just stoppin' by to say Hello.
      You know? I left CoinTalk for a while in the hope that when I returned it would have improved a bit. No such luck. Threads like "Follow the leader" and "Guys with funny hats" still seem to reign supreme. Even my super human ability of shutting down a thread by simply replying to it has not diminished.
      Anyhow...How's things with you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jlblonde
        Congrats on the birth of your child! Mine was in college, which meant a serious reduction in collecting, but now he's joining the Army and pursuing college afterwards. So I may have a little extra cash to began purchasing more exotic coins again.
        Aug 8, 2017
      3. jlblonde
        Foreign bin diving has ground down to a halt in the Los Angeles area. Several coin retailers have passed and some are leaving for Idaho. Adding to it, most old time collectors in San Bernardino, Pasadena, and Redlands have all but vanished and their collections are now being offered on eBay by their savvy inheritors as opposed to being sold to coin galleries.
        Aug 8, 2017
      4. Hiddendragon
        Thanks for the congrats. Sorry you're not having much luck in the bins lately. It's hit or miss for me. Sometimes I have really good days. Last time I went I found a lot of silver. It's just hard to find time to go. I'm at the point now where I rarely see anything new in the bins, so instead I try to update coins I have and hope to find hidden gems.
        Aug 8, 2017
    7. jello
      OK!!! I was just trying to keep a know it from Posting/say some We both would not Like
    8. jello
      I am not being a know it all.but Km 421 5 centavos ran from 1905-1914.
      Just helping
    9. jlblonde
      I can't seem to send the image via private message. Send me you email and I'll send you the pics of the Greenland 25 Ore 1926 coin that I have for sale.
    10. Hiddendragon
      OK, sounds good. Thanks!
    11. jlblonde
    12. jlblonde
      I've got a few Greenland 25 Ore Polars if you'd like one. Let me know. I'll send you some pics.
    13. Hiddendragon
      That sounds good. I assume you want me to send you a check? I saw your post about Rwanda coins. If you have a lot of world coins for sale maybe we can work together in the future if you're interested because I have a few different sets from different countries I'm working on.
    14. dvs
      $4 for both?
      send a note saying what it's for. juggling too many chainsaws....
      dave steinberg
      box 1621
      orem UT 84059

      >>>>>>>>>>Actually, I think I need the 1875 H also if you have a fairly decent and fairly affordable version of that too.
    15. dvs
      really? i'd have thought 1869 or 1871 was the last hole. i've got a small pile of '80s but they are ag/g at best, don't ask worst. i don't usually image singles, but at least the date will be clear. want it for $2.50 posted (in the US)?
    16. MIKES3
      How's it going? I saw you lived near by area. What do you think about Fox Valley coins? Ever been there? Are they overated? I stopped at the smaller store off of Ogden and I wasnt really impressed. Haven't been to the one off of 59. Just asking your thoughts if you've been to either one.
    17. coinswithsmiles
      gess wat its wierd cuz where i am i didnt post that yesterday i posted it like an hour ago
      u must b in a different state
    18. coinswithsmiles
      cool name
      wish i picked it!=]
    19. Billy Kingsley
      Billy Kingsley
      I don't think I can post it on the board, but I am a member of a Yahoo group that has a group split off for trading assorted world coins. If you want the info email me or turn on your PM box and PM me :)
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  • About

    Mount Prospect, IL
    I majored in English and history in college. I mostly collect world coins now, with a focus on Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Britain and several other European countries.

    reading, fishing, genealogy, photography, nature.