Arizona Jack
Last Activity:
May 20, 2017
Jun 17, 2007
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Mar 23, 1961 (Age: 63)
Home Page:
Dry Heat USA
Leadman, aerospace prototype machine shop, owner o

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Arizona Jack

The Lincoln-ator, 63, from Dry Heat USA

Arizona Jack was last seen:
May 20, 2017
    1. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Arizona Jack,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    2. rzage
      AJ , great to see ya . Been a while buddy . Keep Rockin . Rusty
    3. eealopez
      I sent the prior message to the whole group. --Elisa
    4. eealopez
      Can we get the Lincoln Talk group going again? --Elisa
    5. Arizona Jack
      Arizona Jack
      You got it Jello !!!! You mentioned the right words, Brews, Cards and Guitars, count me in !!!!!
    6. jello
      Hey Jack next summer god willing the wife and I are going too take the hole summer and drive the country .I have 3-4 buddy's that live in AZ maybe we can get together play some card and some brews & break out the Guitars and have a good time.
    7. rad1964
      Hey Jack! I have finally given in and purchased a dehydrator. I have experimented with several batches and came up with a winner or 2! I'd like to send you a small batch of my Habanero/Lime Beef Jerky, if your interested. I am probably going to make one up before the end of the month. - Robert
    8. chip
      Happy Birthday, hope your day was good.
    9. snaz
      Hey Jack, you should send that 22 D MS65 you made to Todd @ BlueCC photos to shoot it for you. Would love to see them. Or do you still have it?
    10. snaz
      Dude, I tried calling you the other day.. I ended up talking to some 20 year old girl cause you must have changed your number. We chatted for a bit, apparently she's tired of that number already cause her phone rings off the hook with calls for "Jack" haha.
      Another caller for "Jack" from Canada just confused her more. :p
    11. Treashunt
    12. fretboard
      I didn't know how to pm you a pic to look into the Verdi-gone. Anyways, if you want you can go to my album and I posted a pic of a penny there.

      Hey Jack,
      Excuse me with that post, I don't know what I was thinking last night!! Those pics are really bad! I will get back if I can take a decent pic. thx :D
    13. snaz
    14. snaz
      Come on Jack... Post those Large Cents... at least PM me a list..
    15. jello
      AZJ If ever at Memphis or Atlanta coin shows I am the guy with the silver lion head cane long black gray hair
    16. snaz
    17. snaz
      Hey, guess what! I found an 09 D Lincoln today, Log cent. I couldn't believe it. I hear you guys are having a hard time finding them in Circ, I found one in Canada!
    18. A.Z.MARK
      I went to Snazs profile and sent the message, why did you get it. Toled you I have a problem getting around this site. Oh well I'll get it sooner or later, see ya this weekend.
    19. Arizona Jack
      Arizona Jack
      lol, Mark you sent me a message meant for Snaz
    20. A.Z.MARK
      How are things going? did you get home ok? bet you had a long day that day. Hope to see ya in the future tech-no-man.
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  • About

    Mar 23, 1961 (Age: 63)
    Home Page:
    Dry Heat USA
    Leadman, aerospace prototype machine shop, owner o
    Married, homeowner, X-Detroiter who still roots for the Tigers !!

    Also have played guitar for 30+ years and make my own hot sauce , love anything spicy. Habanero pepper addict !!. I also play poker. Lots of poker.


    W.I.N.S / ANA / SLCC / Mesa Coin Club
    I am a poker player ..."thats beyond trailer trash"
    Joan Rivers on Celebrity Apprentice, 4/09
    Hot Sauce Fanatic !!!