Happy Birthday AnitaMore, According to our records today is your birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Happy Birthday AnitaMore, According to our records today is your birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Happy Birthday AnitaMore, According to our records today is your birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Happy Birthday AnitaMore, According to our records today is your birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Happy Birthday AnitaMore, According to our records today is your birthday. Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Start and the bottom and read upward. I was unaware of a posting limit. Experiment and have fun with the photo process. Also, it is helpful to take pictures similar to those posted for attributed coins that you might find at doubleddies.com or coppercoins.com. Have fun collecting and see you around the site!
Backing - use a lighter color with brown/darker coins and a darker/black backing when taking pictures of silver/nickel coins. It keeps the details sharper by drawing the eye to the coin and sometimes the wild backgrounds wreak havoc on the camera's ability to focus.
Focus - make sure that with your zoom and set distance that your picture remains sharp Lighting - make sure that your lighting is from 2-3 directions and reduce glare by filtering/screening direct light (some folks use white grocery bags to let a diffused light through)
Hi Anita - thought I would throw this out you regarding taking photos of your coins (especially when posting for CT input). Distance, focus, lighting and backing. Distance - find a heavy object that you can rest your phone against that sets and optimal distance where you can zoom your phone's camera to fill the field of view on your phone screen.