Who should I sell to?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Lasers, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. tomorrow at noon. be ready. kidding. Like i said before, I am no expert and dont claim to be. However, past has proven that inflation is happening and the present event of printing dollars at the rate they are doing it shows that inflation will only get worse. When money is printed inflation is a side effect that is directly proportional to the amount printed. Not trying to sound smart because I'm not. That is common knowledge. Can I prove that a car heading towards a brick wall will crash? No I cannot. Time will tell. If it does not crash that would be great. I do know that if a family in a house spends like our government they would not survive for long. I dont see what makes the govt any different. I hope for my kids sake that I am very wrong.
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  3. yeah i know what you mean. I think some of the guys in here are thinking that if they say its a good investment then that will cause people to go out and buy at $50/oz if that ever happens again. I dont know haha. I think they are trying to help us which is cool, but anyone who says buying it at $10-$15/oz is a bad idea then that is their opinion and no one is asking them to buy. I personally think it would be cool if it dove that low so I could buy more designs at a great price. I havent really bought much yet so it wouldn't hurt me any.
  4. austyn

    austyn Member

    That was a good one
  5. torontokuba

    torontokuba Thread Crapper & Hijacker, TP please.

    I really don't mind. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you, any day and even help you polish the silver rounds if you ask.
  6. austyn

    austyn Member

  7. mikem2000

    mikem2000 Lost Cause

    PM were a bad investmest at the price levels over the last few years. Can you really argue with that??? An investment that lost 60 % of its value!!! How can you possibly say it was wrong showing the horrible valuation over the last few years??? Did your really prefer all the folk screaming silver to 1000 with absolutely nothing to back up their claims. This was certainly not a case of hindsight is 20/20. The outrageous valuation concerns were all aired out before
    the collapse.

    Now the rheoric will not always be the same. When silver slips down to the 12-14 level there will be a lot of talk about a favorable valuation and what will be good entry points. So it is not now and never was silver is a bad investment period. It was silver was a terrible investment at those price levels. No one ever once said that no body should ever buy silver. I personally can't get wait to get my hands on a MB, but I won't pay more 7.5 k for it.

    As far cherry picking dates, I can't say that has never happen, but myself and others have rallied against that on many occasions and agree that is not good practice.

    As far as the gurus, oh yeah, that is my favorite topic to tear those jokers apart. Why shouldn't it be? Any one who followed their advice lost a lot of money, at the absolute very least you have to admit they were wrong, there is no other possible conclusion. How could that possibly be a bad thing to point their ridiculous rhetoric as mumbo jumbo before the collapse of silver???
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
  8. mikem2000

    mikem2000 Lost Cause

    Well, lets all hope we get some inflation, that is part of the plan, we are currently running way too close to deflation for my comfort levels. Our economy runs best with mild inflation. I disagree with your statement that inflation is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL. It is not that simple, the velocity of money is also a huge player in that equation. I also disagree that inflation in itself will "crash the car" I mean why would it, inflation was built into the system, and expansion of the money supply is necessary. I mean can you imagine the huge problems with a static money supply. OUCH!!
  9. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Just curious Peace. Do you include me in this short list?

    Here is my pro-pm spiel unless you have missed it. Pm is a commodity, but storable and valuable so useful. It does not grow, but is very good as a contra asset, as well as protection against inflation in your native currency. So, I think every diversified portfolio should own some, and I personally view the current prices as pretty neutral, I am neither for or against buying at these prices. If you don't have any, you should be slowly buying.

    As a contra argument, I do not view pm as "the only real money", do not think there is a secret conspiracy by the man to keep prices down, etc. Its a useful commodity I like owning at certain pricepoints as protection. I own well over 1000 ounces of just bullion silver, I would not own it if I did not like the asset. I just tire of the same old snake oil salesman sales tactics used by some. The ugly truth is the pm industry has always been rife with con artists, look at the past 30 years history.
  10. Maybe I have been reading the wrong articles. I have been looking into how currency is valued for a while now just out of curiosity, and every place I have looked said that when money is printed that inflation occurs as one of the results. Many articles say that printing out as much money as America is doing now is hurting us in the long run. To say it is not directly proportional doesnt make since either. Are you saying that all of the money printing the govt is doing now is good for our economy? No I am not reading FOX news. Just articles that explain money and how it is valued and what relationship it has with gold. I always try to consider the source. If I ask a democrat they will always say "everything is fine. just believe everything I say. Obama can do no wrong." but then If i ask a republican they will say the world ends tomorrow. I ignore all of that the best I can, but the problem is that there doesnt seem to be a real pure place to get advice without some evil idiot putting a spin on things.
    Like I said I am very teachable, but not from dems and reps. All of that is a big joke to me. What do you think? where is a good place to understand this stuff? I just want to find a good solid source of true information. Thanks in advance.
  11. mikem2000

    mikem2000 Lost Cause

    Oh, I never said printing money wasn't inflationary, just that it is not "directly proportional" This is completely evident in the fact that that with all the money printed, inflation has been very low. We would have seen much higher inflation in a directly proportional relationship. As I said, the velocity of money, which roughly translates to how fast the money is passed around is at least if not more important, and there are other factors also.

    As far as whether this was good or not, I am in the camp that is was the right thing to do for they ecomony, but there is plenty of room for debate here.

    I totally agree with you about everyone trying to put their own spin on things, but hey, everyone has their opinions, that is fine, the folks with adgenda's though, well they just tick me off.

    I won't comment on the political referenes because that is frowned upon here, and don't be surprised if your post gets edited.
  12. oh I got ya. I thought if i bashed both parties it would nullify any hard feelings on part of the powers that be haha. I was in my garage a sec ago and just realized this post is so off topic anyways. I dunno how that happened. If it gets deleted its ok. I think it started with me being happy about silver and then someone coming to tell me I was full of it. Hey you seem to know what you are talking about so Ill ask you. I heard that most of the money that is being printed is being shipped overseas and thats why we arent seeing high inflation like we should. Then they claim that when our money hits a non-given low that other countries will get tired of our worthless money and wend it back to the US spurring hyper-inflation. what do you think of that claim? Also what do you think about silver following golds ups and downs? Is this all rigged or natural?
  13. torontokuba

    torontokuba Thread Crapper & Hijacker, TP please.

    I'm only asking you, because I don't believe you'll get defensive and go on the attack. Fingers crossed...;) Since you refer to the 1000 oz. as an asset, I was wondering what your average cost per ounce might be approximately, within those 1000 oz.?

    I still have some Australian, Mexican and Canadian bullion coins. Most of my Maple Leafs and all my loose ASE's are gone. My buying years were primarily between 2006 and 2010. My average cost was below $20/oz, though difficult to really gauge, because in 2006 and 2007, the Canadian dollar wasn't near par and I was still paying CDN$16 - $17 per oz.
  14. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I never try to be defensive sir. What is the point?

    Its a fair question. My average is probably around $5. Most of it was bought at $4 an ounce or less. However, I consider it pretty meaningless, which is why I do not track it more accurately. If I paid $4 an ounce in 1992 for it, what does that mean in 2014 dollars? Nothing. Its value goes up or down daily. I am very comfortable owning it around $19, I even kept it when it was in the 30's. However, when it got into the 40's I probably should have sold, as that price made me uncomfortable. I didn't act when I should have. Not saying I was BUYING anything in the 30's or above, but if silver went to $30 today and seemed sustained I would not sell. My silver is more of a contra asset for me, not my main investing. So, as such, it still has a place for me at higher prices.
    torontokuba likes this.
  15. torontokuba

    torontokuba Thread Crapper & Hijacker, TP please.

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