SBSS new coin redoubt.....

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Diversified, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    I buy whatever silver I can get at the lowest price. I have bars in varying weights. Also have a good amount of rounds that I paid close and even a few below the spot price at the time of purchase.

    It would not be prudent to only buy bars or rounds. Buy what ever you can get the best deal at the moment.
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  3. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    Oh, I do collect. Just not coins, stamps and the like. Again, for me, it is all about diversification. The more I spread my investments around the better I feel about my financial situation.

    That said, I am thinking about getting into collecting some coins. I am in the process of gathering information, educating myself and getting a general feel for the market. Not ready yet to jump in with the little knowledge I have on coin. I do know that the holding cost on coins is far cheaper then the holding cost of my other collectables.
  4. Zlotych

    Zlotych Member

    Well, I think SBSS just proved that they aren't above lying. Day of new release happens to coincide with silver dropping and their site just so happens to be migrating to another server? Couldn't be that they don't want to sell in volume with silver so low, could it.

    I think I may be done with them for ethical reasons after this move.
  5. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    Not to discount a conspiracy theory, but didn't they say that sales had been halted indefinitely just a few days ago?? I don't recall them saying since then that sales were re-opening, so they wouldn't have been selling yesterday anyway...
  6. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

  7. Zlotych

    Zlotych Member

    Through email and on ads present on their site they said the new release would come out on the 15th and that ordering would resume that day as well. It's way too coincidental that their site ceases to work on the day those events were supposed to happen and a day when silver dipped.

    Their site being down is a flat out lie, I'm thinking. Worked fine when silver was at 30 bucks. Worked fine when they weren't selling. On the fritz when silver dips and theyre supposed to resume selling.
  8. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    I received the ad for the new coin and talking about sales resuming on the 15th at 8:30am on 4/11. I received the "Sales Suspended until further notice" email around 2:15pm on 4/11. No further email updates since then from them...
  9. SilverForLife

    SilverForLife Member

  10. NathanEHarvey

    NathanEHarvey Member

    This whole thing is fishy. Though, the more he screws up the company, the more the coins could end up being valuable. If nothing else, I'm entertained.
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Coins? Tokens, medals.....certainly not coins.
  12. Zlotych

    Zlotych Member

  13. SilverForLife

    SilverForLife Member

    As best that I can tell he does live there and came up with the concept.
  14. JJK78

    JJK78 Member

  15. Zlotych

    Zlotych Member

    So, according to this guy's article on his redoubt plan, the solution for escaping from a corrupt and oppressive society is to build an even more oppressive society in the mountains with a bunch of squares. I'll pass.

    Too bad about the Chris Duane thing. After all is said and done, I really liked some of the designs. I hope he can get it together and push out some new designs soon and without all the hassles. Do I believe he is innocent in all this? I'm starting to think it looks mighty fishy that he is constantly the victim in any situation.
  16. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    Interesting....wonder if this will increase the value of existing SBSS rounds???
  17. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    it's tinfoil hat nutcase stuff. But I'll still get a couple rounds
  18. jiggysmb

    jiggysmb Member

    Increase in value??? :) I doubt it. I am sure many more D&Ds where minted than what they claim. Mulligan was selling them to call ins up until a month ago, far after they supposedly stopped minting them. I am sure this Rob guy will continue minting them on his own. So much for an attempt of a limited edition.
  19. PeacePeople

    PeacePeople Wall St and stocks, where it's at

    It's curious to me that he was told he would get nothing back. If M2 has the dies, they could just decide to mint whatever they want until they get a cease and desist order. That would be all bad...
  20. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    This Chris Duane, SBSS and Mulligan mint story gets better and better by the minute. The making of the next American Greed. I find the whole thing so captivating.
  21. jiggysmb

    jiggysmb Member

    Then just wait until you weigh your SBSS rounds and see most are under weight! That is if you were lucky enough to have your order filled.
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