Something for Jacobites and Early Brit fans

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Bart9349, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Bart9349

    Bart9349 Junior Member

    Any insight or opinions appreciated about the bottom medal. (The quotes are from An Introduction to Commemorative Medals in England 1685-1746: Their Religious, Political and Artistic Significance.)

    But first the background information:


    Charles II (known as the Merry Monarch) died after a relatively successful reign of a quarter century. His younger brother James II followed him to the throne. Unfortunately, James II lacked the subtle management skills that his older brother Charles II possesed and that Charles II had used to successfully mollify Parliament and placate the competing religions.

    James II was forced to abdicate in 1688 after only three years into his reign, soon after the birth of his son (James III, later known as the Old Pretender). James II’s son-in-law and daughter (William and Mary) replaced him.

    This is one of the medals struck for James III:

    CJB.jpg CJC.jpg

    Here is the medal in question of the children of James III (the grandchildren of James II who had been forced to abdicate in 1688).

    The Children of James III circa 1730

    CJE.png CJD.png
    It was this Charles Edward Stuart who later led the Jacobites (those who supported the reinstatement of the Stuart family of James II and not the German Hanoverians of George II) to military failure at the disastrous battle of Culloden in 1746.

    These medals, for me, are the reason to study numismatics. They give tangible insight and evidence to a distant and rich past.

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  3. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    I don't collect these "modern" coins and medals, but I appreciate these and your write up.
  4. Windchild

    Windchild Punic YN, Shahanshah

    Nice writeup Bart.

  5. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    the medal of the kids is great!
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