New PCGS GSA Dollar Holder

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by LostDutchman, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    Just got our first lot of these back. I like them. But unlike the NGC straps these don't fit back in the original packaging. This allows PCGS registries to be completed for GSA dollar sets.

    Overall tho I like them.

    IMG_0011.JPG IMG_0012.JPG IMG_0013.JPG IMG_0016.JPG IMG_0014.JPG
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  3. brg5658

    brg5658 Supporter! Supporter

    Now all it needs is a CAC sticker, and an NGC slab into which the PCGS slab will fit, into which the GSA package fits. :rolleyes:
    eddiespin and LostDutchman like this.
  4. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    I like it . Too bad for that rub on Libertys' face as that is one nice strike and a clean coin everywhere else .
  5. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    Pretty neat.
    I've always wondered what NGC puts on the holder for grading.
    Is it really just a strap that's slipped on?
  6. Ed Sims

    Ed Sims Well-Known Member

    PCGS is still removing the GSA dollars from the original packaging and for that reason alone I won't buy a so-called GSA dollar graded by them. They are reducing the quantity of GSA dollars in the original packaging and for everyone they crack out and put in their version of the GSA holder will just make the value of the ones left in the original packaging worth more in the future.
  7. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    You mean that isn't the original GSA Package in the slab . I thought they just encased the whole original holder in a larger PCGS holder ? It sure looks like the original in there .
  8. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    I think he means that in the new holder you lose the GSA box etc which you don't with the NGC band.
  9. Ed Sims

    Ed Sims Well-Known Member

    Apparently I didn't look close enough. The GSA holder is inside the PCGS slab. Since the Grey Sheet and retail prices guides prices are for the dollars in the original government packaging with the certificate then it's going to be a pain in the rear for dealers to keep all of that together going to and from shows. The empty boxes will get crushed, the certificates can get lost, et cetera.
  10. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    I already had 2 boxes ripped and lost the certificates to 1 . I was able to buy boxes on ebay but not the certificates . This all through my own carelessness . Lucky they were all '82s , '83s , and '84s so there should be plenty of certificates . Plus since they are all close to MS-63 there's no use in having them graded .
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