I'm facing a hard decision.

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Detecto92, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Hotpocket

    Hotpocket Supreme Overlord

    Coins are a luxury that you cannot afford right now. If you are only getting $500 a month, you should be looking for a new job or at least working more hours. That is well below what welfare pays (not that I am suggesting that).

    In all candor, you need to get your priorities straight. If you can't afford to pay rent, put food on the table, put gas in your car, etc. then you shouldn't be spending any money on coins.

    Work your butt off, pay down your debts, then save as much as you can. Once you have enough savings to pay the bills for 6 months with no job (in case you lose yours) then you can start thinking about hobbies.

    Sorry if this was harsh, but you asked for feedback. My advice is sell your coins, pay off that credit card debt, and find a job that pays you better.
    spirityoda likes this.
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  3. lettow

    lettow Senior Member

    I have watched this soap opera from afar and am commenting here hesitatingly.

    Knock off the dramatics. You are asking a bunch of strangers for advice about life lessons. Really?

    Quite frankly, there should be nothing hard about this decision. You know what you need to do but come here for validation because you are unable to stand on your own.

    Life is about priorities. You are young and have a long collecting horizon before you. Get yourself together first. Getting your life together in your twenties will serve you much better in the long run than waiting until your thirties.

    There are very few coins that you will not encounter again during your lifetime. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Canadian war nickels with monster toning now and there will still be that many twenty years from now.
    saltysam-1 likes this.
  4. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    What are you going to do with my two cents? Ignore it? Stomp on it in your room? Show me how it's not applicable to you or your situation? Tell me how I don't care and how the world is against you?

    If you want my two cents and truly do .... where it is not lip-service or designed just to make you feel good, then PM me and I will give you some thoughts. But if you do.... you have to understand it is a private conversation and you have to be adult enough to adhere to that. And no, it will not be one blasting you. But some things are private, and I cannot, as Lucy was thinking, invite you in person to a coffee to talk things over.

    If not, that's fine. I have no issues and don't want to burden you with solutions that are not solutions to you. But I will still 'invite' you to look outside of yourself and have some faith. You would be surprised at how effective that can be in permitting someone to find solutions for their problems.
  5. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    Tim, I don't see your collection as a big part of the equation. $1100 is a drop in the bucket when it comes to living expenses. Sell it, or don't sell it - it won't make much difference.

    As you've come to realize, working a low-wage retail job is basically a financial dead end. Perhaps you'd like to get some education but don't know how to go about it. That's understandable - going to college or any sort of trade school is a bit complicated, and perhaps you don't have anyone to guide you through the process.

    If you'd like some help, feel free to PM me and we can exchange emails. Our oldest daughter is going to college next year, and my wife is also going back to school, so I've had abundant experience negotiating all the paperwork recently. I would be happy to lead you through it all, step-by step.

    Best wishes, John.
    rzage and askea like this.
  6. bkozak33

    bkozak33 Collector

    I agree with John Anthony. 1100 is nothing, and is maybe a half months living expense. Get a second job, make more money, cut your bills. You don't need a cell phone, cable tv, or a credit card. Cell phones are one of the biggest waste of money out there. I use a track phone, and pay maybe 60 bucks every 3-4 months.
  7. jfreakofkorn

    jfreakofkorn Well-Known Member

    sell them to someone that will sell them back to you once your ahead ....

    i mean, i have had some coin(s) i bought from one of my friend(s) and just sold them back to him. i have been having them for like 5 years and he wanted to know if he could buy them back ...

    deal was made and their his again ....
  8. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    Ok, PM replied to. I wish you well, Tim. Now it's your turn to decide what to do. You have a tough road ahead, but if you choose to, you can do it. No one else will make the decisions for you.
  9. jfreakofkorn

    jfreakofkorn Well-Known Member

    w/ some of the bills:

    1. get a tellie that you pay by the month ( they have some plans that you pay like 50 dollars )

    2.get a second job for a little awhile ( so you can get ahead a bit )

    3.pay off your credit card(s)

    4. save the rest ( dont spend it on anything that you dont have too )
    spirityoda likes this.
  10. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    ... take your remaining cash and spend it all on "Magic beans" (this is the only logical solution to your current predicament)

  11. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Someone asked why you vent here, but you wouldn't if you didn't know that everyone here (well, maybe a few exceptions : - ))is supportive of you. There are many ways to success. Doing it "on your own" with no advanced education is one way, but just isn't for everyone. Education can be a way out. You have often talked about going to college, but I don't see why you would have to move to do that. I am originally from a small town in the wilds of E. KY and even we had a jr college in the town. Since you live at home, use the opportunity to take some college classes at a nearby school. These things do transfer and it wouldn't hurt you.
    green18 likes this.
  12. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Right. I did two jobs and Army Reserve duty for five years to get through college. No student-loan debt (at least for my Bachelor's degree). I lived like a pauper, but when you're young, living in poverty doesn't bother you so much, especially if you are around people who are in your same situation, and not flaunting their better lifestyle in your face. Family helping you out by letting you live at home helps, too (don't underestimate how huge that is!).

    This was 20 years ago for me, though. We didn't have those "need-to-have" electronic toys (smartphones) that suck a decent percentage of a young person's income.

    It seems that if you're not tapped-out as far as time is concerned, a second (third) job or source of income would be helpful. After that, re-evaluate selling part of your collection? I'm sure you'll figure it out.
    spirityoda and Kentucky like this.
  13. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    If I might tag along on Kentucky's suggestion, Detecto seems better suited to a less formal course of study than scheduled classes. I strongly recommend MIT's opencourseWare. They are self driven and even people with advanced degrees can gain new knowledge and concepts that weren't recognized in their college years.

    This one wasn't included in my College background, but the info updates me in the area.


    And for Detecto, I might recommend this one.


    You don't get credit, the course work is a few years old, But it allows you to see if you could cut it at MIT and it is free
    Ardatirion, rzage and green18 like this.
  14. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

  15. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Text & PM have been sent to you Tim. You are welcome to click "Like" on any post where people have provided you with helpful ideas.:D
    Detecto92 likes this.
  16. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    Thank for the replies everyone, and while I may be offending some (seems like the community was 50/50 on the matter), I've decided to sell my collection.

    I am keeping a few coins put back.

    Here are the reasons that made me sell it.

    1. Nothing I have is super rare, worth $25,000, or some "one of a kind coin", so everything I have is replaceable.

    2. I am not moving until years end, so most of this profit will be put towards buying things I can resell at various venues. Coins, jewelry, collectibles, etc. $800-$1100 is a nice chunk of capital that I might be able to double once the year is over.

    3. I'm growing tired of paying a few CC bills, I might use a little bit of it to just pay it off.
  17. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    Maybe a little late for me to chime in, but how many credit cards/debit cards do you have? If one is non-essential...why not drop it and save that money and put it toward somewhere else rather than selling off part of your collection to pay the bills for one?
  18. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    Hi Detecto. will offer your coins for sale here on CT first ? Will you make a list of what you have for sale ? you may have some coins we are looking for ??? I also want to help you out by maybe buying some of them. I know that you may be attached to some of them. I understand that. I hope I am not rushing you on this... let us know. thanks, Craig a.k.a spirityoda.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    Kentucky likes this.
  19. x115

    x115 Collector

    "if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging"

    "the quickest way to double your money
    is to fold it and put it back in your pocket"

    Will Rogers
  20. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    it's all about priorities. what is most important to you. make a "to do" list. make a goals list. follow thru.
    mlov43 and green18 like this.
  21. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Yes. And write the list by hand in blue ink. Don't ask me why it should be blue. It was one of those "highly-effective people" behaviors that I read in a self-help book once....so you know it's totally legit.
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