Alloy Changes for US Coins

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by 19Lyds, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    The last Coin World I received had an article on proposed changes to the alloys used for United States Coinage and how the US Mint is seeking "Stakeholder Input".

    Of course, the "stakeholders" aren't the citizens of the country that read where it costs 2-3 cents to produce a single Lincoln Cent or that it costs up to 10 cents to produce a single nickel and continujng to produce these coins in their current alloys is an exercise in wasting money, the stakeholders are the folks that use these coins for some type of profitable business such as vending machines and change machines and/or slot machines.

    While reading some of the published feedback, it dawned on me that the current philosophy of the Treasury Department to "ask the people" on what to do is much the same as an engineer on a train asking the passengers on whether or not he should slow down since damage has been reported on the tracks at some unknown location ahead.

    I do not understand why the sheep are asking the wolves for guidance on what should be done to save tax dollars instead of simply taking the necessary steps to correct the problem.
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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Just like the rest of the government, they are catering to the moneyed interests, not the citizenry.
    No coin should contain any amount of zinc. They should all be made of an aluminum alloy.
  4. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    but aluminum feels fake!
  5. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Aluminum is quite real. Look at your periodic table.
    austyn, harris498, CamaroDMD and 2 others like this.
  6. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian


    Not that the cent is necessary for commerce anymore, but I wonder if you could make an aluminum cent that cost less than a cent to make...
    austyn likes this.
  7. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Please do not confuse your periodic table with your occasional table.
  8. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    i mean the coins, they feel fake, like plastic....
    SCDigginWithAK and austyn like this.
  9. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    You'd get used to them.
  10. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Just another government Dog & Pony show for the yellow press. "...taking the necessary steps to correct the problem" would imply fiscal responsibility.
  11. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    yeah, bet i would quit collecting if they did :p
    austyn likes this.
  12. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    I'm grateful they're not spending $20 per cent to make them out of re-cycled pocket lint.
  13. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Well, I'm of the opinion that the cent should just go away since it has no value anymore. After all, who will travel somewhere to save 1 cent?
    Who, other than us geeks, will even pick a cent up off the ground?
    How many folks even bother to count there change to insure that they have not been shorted by "one cent"?

    Of course, the gaming industry has created their own business with the creation of the 1 cent slots but, truth be told, folks don't "use" the actual coins. They slip in a 5 or 10 spot and play thereby creating a "false" need.

    But then, all the above are better left for another thread...............
  14. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    It’s time to do the inevitable and make the big change => get rid of cash => debit cards for all.
  15. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Congress should just completely eliminate the cent and the nickel....problem solved. The older and bigger our government gets, the less efficient (and stupid) it gets.
    Kentucky likes this.
  16. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    All well and good, but then we'd all need our own personal pocket sized card readers.
  17. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Not if they "accidently" produced a major doubled die to appease the coin collecting industry.

    Actually, I'd still collect them just like I collect the current cents. From Mint Sets.

    BUT, why even bother with them any longer? Perhaps to appeal to the "inner book keeper" that lives within most peoples minds? Maybe the need to feel like I'm not being "cheated" out of one white cent?
  18. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Yep, don't they already have that ap for cell phones.
  19. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    All in an attempt at proving Abraham Lincoln wrong.

    You CAN please all the people All of the time. Or at least give them the opportunity to put in their "two cents"! Hr har har !
  20. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    They have an "AP" for everything!

    Why, just the other day I heard of an "AP" that allows you to "check-in" for your "Great Clips Haircut Appointment!" Har har har!
  21. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    dont turn this thread political rick and lyds!
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