1877 CC Quarter

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by LostDutchman, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    I picked this guy up this past week. I thought it was unusual in this grade and you guys might like to see it.

    spirityoda, dwhiz, Ripley and 4 others like this.
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  3. LindeDad

    LindeDad His Walker.

    Did it clean grade that halo pattern usually means a details grade from what I have seen?
  4. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I am not seeing any nicks, but I am not seeing great luster either. 65, but 66 would not surprise me if the luster is there.
  5. The halo almost makes it look cleaned... But man, that is a beautiful coin! :)
  6. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    It does have some strange toning... The coin has satiny luster... it's definitely been dipped but not to the point that it's toasted... my thought is an old dip and retoning... it's a strange call.
  7. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    I agree on the dip and retoning. I bet it would make it into a slab, based on a very old dipping. Love the tone, and the overall look.
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