anyone else having prob with pics?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by yorkiedad5, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. yorkiedad5

    yorkiedad5 Senior Member

    Am I the only one, or is everybody having trouble with there pictures all of a sudden? I cannot get them to inlarge anymore. just the last 2 days. maybe its my computer. can you let me know if its me or the site? thanks--BILL

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  3. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Are you talking about uploading to a post or to an album? Haven,t had
    A problem yet, The only thing ive had to deal with is resizing the images
    But i think thats standard on this site.
  4. bhp3rd

    bhp3rd Die varieties, Gems

    I'm having myself getting logged off every other post also???

    I'm having myself getting logged off every other post also???
  5. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey


    I've had problems with ones I've directly attached, but seem to have no problems if I upload them to photobucket and then link the images.
  6. yorkiedad5

    yorkiedad5 Senior Member

    I could never get photobucket to work for me. I use fotoflexer and had no trouble with getting pics to inlarge except for the last couple of days. I had to put them up one at a time, but they did inlarge. maybe its my computer. I dont know. alot of other people use photobucket, but it drove me nuts trying to get it to work!!!! I gave up on that along time ago!!!!! Ill give it a few more days and see what happens. if you look at the pic I put up of the flower you will see it gets smaller-- then go to another post of mine from a week ago and you will see i get a nice big pic. I didnt change anything on my comp. Ill see what happens in the next few days--thanks for your help--BILL
  7. yorkiedad5

    yorkiedad5 Senior Member

    you know what guys!! I just looked at the picture I put up of my st. bernard with her new dress. lol. then I realized that I put it up a few days ago. maybe that is the problem?? let me change that pic. and see if the pictures inlarge. hate to do it because i love that pic. my best buddy in a dress!!!!!!!!! way too funny-- BILL
  8. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    What are the properties of your flower picture on your computer? I mean size (KB's) and dimensions (px X px).
  9. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    I am having the same problem doing a search for the next thread. It takes anywhere from 21 sec. to never. A little frustrating if you ask me. No other programs are effected.
  10. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Just tried uploading some photos to my album, It took forever not sure if
    Its a network problem or what???
  11. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Has anyone bothered to read this;

    NOTE: "250KB bytes" means LESS THAN 250KB. If you try to post a picture larger than 250KB, this program automatically reduces it to a very small picture. If you reduce the original picture to less than 250KB, it retains its full size. The way around this is to post the picture on a 3rd site and post a link to the picture here.
  12. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I have explained the picture issue at least 6 or 8 times in the past month or so. It is not Coin Talk - it is you.

    First of all, we have a maximum file size we allow for pictures, that's 250kb. So all you have to do is re-size and/or reformat your pictures (change the file type) BEFORE you try to upload them to Coin Talk.

    If you take your pic and save it as a .bmp file - you're going to have problems and your pics will not enlarge. That's because .bmp files are huge - often over 1mb in size. But if you change that file type from a .bmp to .jpg - then the file size almost always is less than our maximum allowable size.

    If your picture is over 250kb in size - you're going to have problems and your pics will not enlarge. Even if they are .jpg files. if you start out with a picture that say 1.2mb in size and you upload it to Coin Talk - then the software is going to shrink that picture, and it will show up small just like yours did Bill, and it will not enlarge.

    If your picture pixel size is small to begin with, then the picture will not enlarge. The forum software does not do that and never did do that.

    If you want your picture to be 640x480 - then you need to start with a picture that is 640x480 AND one that is less than 250kb in size. If you do that, then the forum software will shrink your pic size for the post itself, but when a member clicks on it the pic will enlarge to full size.

    Bottom line is this folks, the forum software only does 1 thing - it shrinks the picture for use in the post. And if someone clicks on it then the picture enlarges to full size. BUT - that picture must be sized correctly before you upload it or it will not work.
  13. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Just FYI, here are two renditions of the same picture. The first original is 1500X720 px and 350 KB. The second original is 1000X480 and 170KB. When the pictures are loaded, the first becomes 4.4KB - too small to see anything. The second is 170KB and will enlarge to let you see everything.

    If you cannot keep your pictures within the limits of the program, the program will do it for you.

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  14. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Thank you :bow:

    Now maybe they will finally understand.
  15. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I hope. I thought that maybe an example might convince some of them.
  16. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Glad you thought of it because I had not :eek:

    Tried to explain it 18 different ways from Sunday though :(
  17. yorkiedad5

    yorkiedad5 Senior Member

    not to get anybody mad at me, but everything was fine with my pics till about 2 days ago. then all of a sudden they are small!! I DID NOT CHANGE A THING!!!!!! same camera--same way I have been putting them up for months now. to tell you the truth--i do not understand. SORRY what changed in the last few days that I cannot inlarge pictures?? not to be a edited, but something changed.. either my computer, which I didnt change anything, or the site. Thanks--BILL
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    That link I gave you was posted in 08-11-2005, 07:46 AM - 4 years ago. This site has not changed ever since.

    I have no idea how different cameras work, but taking pictures of just Lincolns, I can end up with a picture between 80K and 130K depending only on which coin I picture. i.e. using the same camera, same lighting, same stand, same background. etc.

    Regardless of what you think you are doing, if your picture is over 250KB, it will not work on this site. It is that simple. If you cannot learn to adjust the size, you had better learn to use photobucket or similar.
  19. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I'm wondering what's best for the speed of the forum?
    Is it better to have the image loaded to CT or posted from Photobucket?
  20. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I have found loading images from the CT to be much faster and more reliable!! then
  21. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    They should they are smaller so they will load quicker. The only problem I have seen with photobucket is when people delete or remove photos. Also on photobucket the pictures can be very large and make load slower for people not on something like cable modem or DSL.

    To the original post - I don't do anything fancy. I upload, check the little box, generate html, cut and paste the links for thumbnails(not always) into a cointalk thread.

    PS Doug I think you have mentioned it more than 6-8 times. I think I can recall 3 or more threads where you said "6-8 times". :)
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