Another nice article "proving" silver is manipulated

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by medoraman, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Just thought I would post this one. You have to love someone who starts, "This article proves.....". Nothing like confidence and making up your reader's mind for them, huh?

    Same old, same old, we are brilliant, our silver is not worth a million an ounce because the boogey man won't let it.

    One serious note. He goes over ETF funds. Anyone ever consider the new volatility introduced into the physical markets by these funds? Seems to me they could really add volatility in both directions, making moves even more erratic.

    I did love the very ending of the article, showing latest articles. Check out the one on "Financial Astrology". I find articles in many ways CAN be judged by the company they keep. :)
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  3. qsilver007

    qsilver007 Member

    I am a trader as well as a coin collector............ we use the term manipulation now, but in reality, the SI comex futures markets are more than 80% algo. They are looking to make 5 and 10 cents on huge sizethat said you should read my post I think at least now it has a chance of going up and down where from 1792-1971 Silver was 1.29 IMO
  4. mikem2000

    mikem2000 Lost Cause

    But, but, Ted Butler said.........
  5. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Btw, I am NOT posting this article to poke fun at anyone. Nor am I posting it to be a jerk, (though I am sure many believe I am). I am posting this article to show how kind of silly some of these articles can be with their hyperbole and left out information. Like this, why didn't they discuss how the mint ran out of ASE and THAT is a huge reason sales might have been up in the 1st qtr. How about saying that Ted Butler has been crying wolf for 30 years, making his living off of those people listening to him, as he does today. He is an "expert" in silver simply because he calls himself such. Then the fact this article is published alongside "Financial Astrology" paper that is not a joke.

    Its these things that make such papers a laughingstock. I enjoy discussing PM intellectually and fairly, and I do wish more serious papers, presenting both sides of the argument and complete facts were written more. Articles like this just makes it easy to discount PM entirely, which truly is sad since there IS much to be gained by holding them in a portfolio, (and in my greedy little silver covetous hands, for the right price).
  6. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    The reason these articles are often nothing more than hyperbole is because these people aren't accurate enough fortune tellers to know what the market will do a day, week, year, or century into the future. So, they make up facts and turn drawn from a hat predictions into gospel, usually to scare their readers into either buying high or selling low so that they can profit from them. If anyone claims to have the bullion market figured out, they're pretty dang full of you know what.
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